You Get Injured: Paul x Reader

Start from the beginning

Before Your Injury

You and Wye were rehearsing your walk for the show when one of her friends made you laugh and almost fall down the stairs. This made you laugh and get playfully angry.

Y/N: Hey! You almost made me fall peasant!

You all go into a laughing fit before you start doing it again. You couldn't help but feel someone's eyes all on you. When you looked up you saw your boyfriend Paul starring at you with a smile on his face and your best friend sitting next to him with the same smile on her face. You smiled at them back and continued doing your walk.

You've been doing your walk for the show for awhile now and you thought that you had it down without the music so you had asked your best friend to turn on the song that you would walk out to. When the music came on all you thought about was your walk and not to mess it all up.

Paul And Wye's Conversation

Wye: So how are you two?

Paul: We're good.

Wye: That's good. I just have to ask because she's my best friend. Are you treating her right?

Paul: Oh yeah.

Wye: Has she been treating you right?

Paul: Absolutely. She does stuff for me without me even asking and she comes up with these cute little apartment dates and she makes time for you guys and for me and she's just... She's perfect.

Wye: God you guys are so cute. But I'm just saying for either of you because I love you like a brother and she's like mr sister. But if I hear that either of you have broken each other's hearts I swear to god I will beat the shit out of the both of you. Understood?

Paul: Got it.

Wye: Good.

Paul: I'm thinking about doing a little date for her tonight. Where do you think I should take her?

Wye: What does she like?

Paul: She loves Italian food.

Wye: That's perfect. There's this new restaurant that's been open for a few months. My friend had recommended it to me it's really good. Y'all should check it out.

Paul: Ok. We will.

Wye: You guys will love it.

Paul: I'm sure we will.

End Of Conversation

You had been practicing your walk for awhile now just to make sure that it was perfect. You were about to go again when Paul spoke up.

Paul: Babe after this round we're all gonna go out for pizza for lunch.

Y/N: Ok baby.

Paul: By the way...

Y/N: Yeah?

Paul: Your ass looks so good in those jeans love.

Y/N: Paul!

You smile at him and turn around to walk back to the stairs for one more round before you take a break for lunch when he slapped your ass. You had turned around to look at him.


Everyone started laughing. Once all of the laughter had died down it was time for you to do your last round.

The Injury

You stood in place and waited for the music to start up again. Once the music had started up again you began to do your walk. You weren't watching your foot placement when you took a tumble down the stairs.

Wye: Y/N!

Paul: Babe!

Wye: Yo turn the music off.

Everyone ran over to you in such panic. You were laying down so everyone helped sit you up. They all bent down so that they were on your level.

Wye: Are you ok?

Y/N: I think so.

Paul: Are you sure babe?

Y/N: Yeah just help me up.

Once you were stood up you tried to put weight on your ankle and you knew something was really wrong. They walked you over to a chair and they sat you down in it.

Paul: Babe are you sure you're ok?

Y/N: At this point? I don't know.

Wye: I'm gonna take off your shoe ok?

Y/N: Ok.

Wye took off your shoe and your foot was swelling by the minute. Everyone's eyes went wide.

Y/N: Uh why is my ankle and foot so big?

Paul: Baby you've twisted it somehow.

Y/N: Ok. But what about lunch?

Wye: We're still having lunch. We're gonna make sure that you get home, we'll go get lunch then come back to your house and hang out with y'all.

Y/N: Ok.

At Your Apartment

You were resting on the couch with your foot resting on Paul when the door opened. You could smell the pizza from a mile away. You guys had made some conversation while eating pizza with your friends.

One by one they all left and it was just you and Paul.

Paul: Babe I'm gonna get your side of the bed set up and I'll come back to get you ok?

Y/N: Ok.

In Your Room

Paul helped you get into your pajamas and then he made sure that you were comfortable before he got in on his side of the bed. When you both were comfy Paul put his arms around you so that he was holding you.

Y/N: Paul?

Paul: Yes?

Y/N: I love you.

Paul: I love you too. Get some rest.

As soon as he said that you slowly drifted off into dream land and so did he. You fell asleep with a smile on your face knowing that you have the best guy and best friends in the whole wide world.

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