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Virgo awkwardly stood in front of the inn that he assumed Aries would be in. He had waited for a long time and decided to go in because he was freezing.

"Excuse me?" He asked the innkeeper.

"Is there an Aries here?"

The innkeeper looked through the papers and shook her head. Virgo scoffed, he had been lied to. He clutched his hands into fists and walked back out into the cold wind, he didn't feel cold due to the anger and disappointment he felt. When he sighed a puff of smoke came from his mouth, and his cheeks were slightly reddened.

"Virgo?" Someone tapped his shoulder.

He turned around to see Aries. She was wearing the same clothing as usual except thus time she wore the hood to protect her from the wind.

"You!" He pointed.

"Why weren't you at the inn?"

"This inn?" Aries looked behind him.

Virgo nodded.

"This inn is too expensive for me, I'm staying there." She pointed to another shabby looking inn. On the outside it seemed that there were only men present, on top of that they looked drunk and messy.

"You're staying there?" He made a disgusted face.

"Ah yes, it's what I can afford right now." Aries said, embarrassed.

"Aren't you scared? That they'll do something?"

"I was scared at first but now I'm used to it." She shrugged.

Virgo felt worried for Aries. How could a woman live like that?

"Do you want to...come back to the castle with me?" He said after much thought.

"Wait what?!" Aries gasped.

Virgo smiled and took her hand, pulling her with him before she could argue. It wasn't long before she was presented in front of the magnificent castle.

"Wow." Her neck hurt from looking up.

"You're so lucky." She told Virgo.

"Haha, I worked damn hard to get up to here." He boasted.

He led her inside to show her around, and she was astonished by the sheer amount of things that shined.

"My eyes kinda hurt." She joked.

"Who's this?" Capricorn squinted at Aries.

"She's....someone I know. Be nice." Virgo warned.

"Pleased to meet you." Aries said respectfully.

"And this is my bedroom."

Aries raised an eyebrow, she took the chance to tease him.

"Is there a reason why you showed me your bedroom first?"

"W-what? No! Of course not! It's just the room that was closest." He cleared his throat.

When his back was turned to her Aries took note and memorized all the hallways. Remembering where the exits were.

"And this is the library...." Virgo's voice drifted away as Aries suddenly heard a distressed voice coming from the room right next to her.

"Taurus I need you to calm down, we can't be hasty about something like this. It'll cause war!"

"Leo! You have to understand. That Aquarius was the one that declared war on us, on me!" She scoffed.

Aries heard Aquarius' name and listened in closer. Virgo was busy explaining the history of the library since it was where he spent most of his time.

Queen of Hearts- A Zodiac StoryWhere stories live. Discover now