Divine Retribution

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"Well, here we are." Sagittarius stared at the dark cloud looming over the equally dark kingdom.

They had left in the early morning and began their trek to Valusia, making it by the evening. Luckily, there was a traveler willing to take them for a ride to the border so they got there in half the time.

"Doesn't look like there's any guards or any type of security." Scorpio quickly scanned the area.

They took their first step across the border and into the kingdom. Almost instantly, the air around them felt heavier and almost like it was pushing them back. They saw the massive castle not far from them and took a turn into the town.

There was no good aura about the town. It felt like everyone was too busy watching their back for it to feel welcoming. They didn't put much effort in hiding in the town because people seemed to not care enough about them, and worried for themselves more. They paused at a place that smelled alcohol, just to talk about a plan.

They overheard a couple men who were drunk, talking about something regarding the Queen.

"I heard the Queen got injured."

"Ya, it must be fairly bad for her to have to stay in the castle."

"It's not like her to get hurt so easily, I wonder what happened."

"Anyway, now would be the best time to steal the great treasure from the castle."

"Treasure?" Scorpio's eyes gleamed and listened in more attentively.

"No no no, I dare not touch her treasure. Everything in there is a curse." He shivered.

"Curse or not, I heard it makes you unstoppable."

"Unstoppable?" Scorpio gasped, getting more excited by the moment.

"Did you hear that Sagittarius?" She looked over.

"I did. I say we leave here as soon as possible, it's not safe."

"But but imagine being unstoppable! We could get everything we want." She pouted.

"Scorpio, we have already been warned several times by God himself why this is such a bad place and we chose to ignore all of them." He sighed.

"Fine fine. Let's go." She rolled her eyes.

As they were walking and on the verge of leaving Scorpio suddenly took a turn right in the direction of the castle.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Sagittarius called after her.

"I NEED to see it at least." She couldn't resist her urge, it was like being addicted to alcohol.

"You can't! I'm not coming." He crossed his arms.

"Ok, you stay and wait for me. I'll just check it out."

"W-what? Wait!" He ended up following her to the back of the castle.

"Kitchen door is usually unlocked because cooks have to throw out stuff." She smirked and turned the knob. To her surprise it was locked.

"What the hell? The kitchen door never fails!"

"Ok let's go then, this is another sign from God." He pulled her but she refused to move.

"Good thing I can pick locks." She took out a pin and got to work.

"Scorpio for once, PLEASE LISTEN."

She didn't hear his pleas and focused on the click of the door unlocking.

"We're in."

She opened it to find the kitchen completely empty. The pots and pans seemed to not have been in use for a while, but there were a couple dishes in the sink.

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