Found (P2)

18 1 0

"T-Tsukki..." Yamaguchi said, tears falling down his face.

But they where tears of joy.

Tsukishima whipped Yamaguchi's face with his sleeve and smiled.

"B-but you died 2 months ago..." Yamaguchi said. "Did I fall asleep during work again? This is a dream ri-"

Tsukishima kissed Yamaguchi on the forehead, "It's not a dream."

Yamaguchi looked at Haru and Juro on the other side of the room.

"It's not." Juro said. "It's reality."

Yamaguchi stood paralyzed with joy for a few minutes.

Then he jumped into Tsukishima's arms. Tsukishima wrapped his arms around Yamaguchi pulling him into tight embrace.

"This is so cute I'm going to cry!" Haru whispered.

"You are," Juro whispered back.

"I knooooowwwww." Haru replied.

Juro laughed a little hand put his arm around Haru.

"This better not be a dream." Yamaguchi said, he looked up at Tsukishima, "I want you to promise me this is real."

Tsukishima sighed, "I promise this is reality. It's not a dream Yams."

Yamaguchi smiled and cried into Tsukishima's shirt.

Tsukishima let him.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since they had spoken to one an other.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since they had made contact with each other.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since they saw each other's eyes.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since they said 'I love you'.

It had been almost 2 and a half years since Yamaguchi said 'Tsukki' and Tsukishima heard it and Tsukishima said 'Yams'.

~After Yamaguchi stopped crying~

The 4 boys sat in the living room, Yamaguchi not wanting to let Tsukishima go and Haru sitting on Juro's lap on the one chair Yamaguchi had.

"Can you explain why you're not dead Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked.

"I knew you where going to ask that," Tsukishima replied, "So you know the day my mom called you to tell you I passed away?"

Yamaguchi nodded.

"That was actually the day I woke up." Tsukishima explained, "I asked her to tell you that I died so I could surprise you."

"But why did it take you 2 months?"

"Physical therapy."

"Ah," Yamaguchi looked at Juro and Haru, "Did you know about this?"

"Yea." Juro said.

"The whole team did actually-" Haru said.

"Wait what?!" Yamaguchi said, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"It's called a surprise," Juro said, "Kei said that before."

"Oh yea, I just have a lot of things to process in my brain, so I forgot-"

Tsukishima pulled Yamaguchi closer, "Sorry for not telling you."

"It's ok Tsukki, your here now." Yamaguchi said. "And not in the ground."

Tsukishima laughed a bit.

So did Haru but he rocked back and fouth on Juro's thigh.

"Ow!" Juro said, "Don't do that with your boney ass!"

"Hey you like that ass." Haru replied.

Juro pushed Haur onto the floor. "You can stay there then."

"No no no!" Haru whined, "I'm sorryyyy!"

"Your staying on the floor." Juro said crossing his arms and leaning back in the chair.

Haru pouted.

Then, like a light bulb went off in his head, he grabbed Juro's ankle and pulled him forwards. Juro flew out of the chair and landed on top of Haru.

"What the fuck Haru?!" Juro yelled jumping off of Haru.

Haru laughed so did Yamaguchi.

"He was like this the other day to!" Juro said.

'Looks like someone may be horny~" Tsukishima said.

Juro looked at Haru who was still laughing on the floor.

"Well you haven't changed at all." Yamaguchi said.

~time skip~

Haru and Juro had left about and hour ago.

Yamaguchi had turned on Jurassic Park, because he fell asleep last time he watched it. At like, the very beginning of the movie.

Yamaguchi kept jumping every time one of the people got like, eaten.

But he felt safe knowing Tsukki was right by his side.

The move ended around 9, and Tsukisima turned the next one on.

Yamaguchi fell asleep in Tsukishima's arms.

Yamaguchi no longer felt lost,

He felt found.

~Thank you for reading!! The next fanficton will eathier be Kuroken/KenmaxReader or a YakuxLev. We'll see what happens.

But really, thank you for reading and another shout out to Animestuff (Quotev) for names for the first years and HisokasAbsAreHot for being a great cosion and helping me when I needed it!!~

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