Name: ​​​​​​ Nori Juro

Hair color: Brown

Eye color: Greenish-hazle

Age: 15

Birthday: April 5

Hight: 6'0

Volleyball position: Wing Spiker

Volleyball Number: 2

Relationships: Mom, Dad, older sister, younger brother, best friend (decided), and his dog

Personality: Kind, rude (when he has to be), introverted, shy, smart, pretective

Sexuality: Pansexual (likes all genders; male, female, and non-binary)

Likes: Volleyball, food, his friends, drawing, his dog, video games, stuffed animals, sleep

Dislikes: Social events, people taking advantage of him, Loss, milk chocolate, annoying animals (such as birds), loud noises, snakes

Past: Juro had a normal childhood, his mother and father loved him, same with his older sister, whom was 2 years old when he was born. At age 5 is when his little brother was born and when he started Elementary School. Which is where he also met his best friend, Ryo. A kind blonde girl with brown eyes. When Juro and Ryo where both 11, Ryo was in a car accident and was put into a coma. She stayed in the coma for 8 months, then passed away. He never made any other friends then Ryo, and he had no idea how to ease the pain. But his brother was watching a volleyball match and Juro seemed interested in it. He got is own volleyball and played with his brother and his sister at times. Later on he decided to join his school team. When it was time for high school, he watched the nationals on TV and saw Karasuno win. He was very impressed by the whole team, and most of the team would still be there if he got in.

He was accepted into Karasuno, and is now where he is today.

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