you don't listen to him - henry hart

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Charlotte and I sit on the couch in the Man Cave, eating Inside Out Burger, while watching Dog Judge on the TV.

"When did they say they would get back?" I ask her eating a fry.

"They should be here soon." Jasper answered, sitting at the monitor looking at the screens.

Charlotte and I scream, not noticing that he was even in here.

"Aren't you supposed to be watching the store?!" I said standing up and walking over to him.

"I couldn't miss Dog Judge." He said getting up from the chair, and walking towards the couch. I roll my eyes at him, and so does Charlotte.

We then see the tubes go down, which meant Ray and Henry were here.

They come down the tubes still in their uniforms. Henry instantly sees me, and runs up to me giving me a hug. I laugh at his embrace, watching Ray walk towards the monitors.

"How'd it go with the baseball game?" I ask them, Henry's hand still around my waist.

"Oh I don't know, I'd say it went pretty well." Ray walked up to us.

"Uh yeah, we really didn't do that much, other than uhhhh..." Henry went on.

"WE FOUGHT A BEAR!" Ray screamed interrupting Henry.

"WE FOUGHT A BEAR!" Henry chimed in, while Ray was cheering. They both cheered together but then Jasper jumped in.

"Hey, hey, HEY! What bear?" he asked smiling.

"Okay okay okay, should I tell them the story?" Henry asked Ray, and he let him begin.

"Alright, alright. These college kids, brought a real life bear to the baseball game."

"Yeah, like, just to be funny." Ray chimed in.

"Yeah, it was hiliarous."


"Anyway, until, the hot dog guy came out." Henry continued.

"Yeah you know wieners?" Ray asked Jasper, and Jasper went on to say that he loves wieners.

"Yeah, so the bear, gets a whiff of the wieners right? And loses his mind! And he chases the poor wiener guy right on the field." Ray goes on, making me giggle at how excited they were.

"So Ray chases the bear on the field." Henry said.

"I did. I did." Ray smiles, laughing.

"And check this out. He tackles the bear!"

"I TACKLE THE BEAR! I TACKLE A REAL LIFE BEAR!" Ray screams moving to the other side of the cave. "And the bear gets up and goes like AGHAAGH, and there is spit coming out it's mouth."

I laugh at his attempt to sound like a bear.

"He slashed at me, his claws just scrape right across my face!"

"Oh my god!" Charlotte and I say at the same time.

"Yeah, and I guess he thought that Ray was gonna go down or something but INSTEAD..."

"INSTEAD HE GOES LIKE AGHAGHA? Which I guess in bear language probably means..."

"Oh, this human is indestructible!" Henry and Ray laugh, and I just look at Charlotte who is having the same reaction as me.

"Stupid bear had no idea!" Ray said smacking his leg.


Jace Norman and Henry Danger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now