Chapter 7

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Stiles' P.O.V

Yes, i kissed him A LOT, we made a bit in the woods but we had to stop because Scott kept calling me. "What do you fuckin' want Scott ?!" i yelled into the phone panting "Woah dude you alright?" he sounded concerned "yea I'm fine, what do you want?" i asked again more calmly "I'm at your house where are you ?" i looked over at Derek who was fiddling with his hands "Uh.. i went for a uh- a run! i went for a run!" Scott went silent "You don't run Stiles your too lazy now where are you ?" i sighed into the phone and thought of a reply "I want to get in shape for the Lacross season Scott!" he laughed loudly which i found quite rude and looked at Derek who was getting impatient, i can tell because he was bouncing, his leg up and down which is what he always does at the end of a class when he wants to get out fast. No its not weird that i know that..

"Oh yea? Who are you doing for then ?" i sighed and thought of a girl at school that i liked but i could only think of one.. Derek.. But he's nota girl so i had to think fast "Uh.. Lydia, Lydia Martin." "Alright fair enough Have fun on your run !" he hung up before i could press the hang-up button

i walked back to Derek and wondered what would get him in the mood again? a thought came to mind and i walked over to him and sat on his lap faces now inches away, he was so surprised by my action but didn't push me off. He grabbed hold of my thighs attacking my lips in the process we made out like this for a while before i parted my lips and allowed entrance he slipped his tongue and explored my mouth i let him be for a while but now i wanted dominance so i forced my tongue in his mouth, we fought for dominance but he won ou lips moved in sync like a song it was amazing i cannot describe the feeling i was feeling. unfortunately the moment ended when Derek spoke up "What changed your mind ?" i looked at him confused with the sudden question looking for an answer "I missed the feeling of your lips on mine" Derek smiled and pecked my lips once more.

Derek walked me home and kissed me one more time, then took off back to his house. I walked in expecting Scott sitting on my couch, I was right but what I wasn't expecting was his face, he looked completely shaken up "Scott what's wrong ?" I asked sounding concerned "you... he.. YOU KISSED DEREK AND YOU'RE ACTING SO CASUAL ?!!!" I did not expect that.. " SHHH!!!! My dad's gonna hear you !" I yelled in a hushed tone "he went back to work for a late shift dingus now what was that all about are you gay ?" I looked at him and replied " I don't know okay, I'm still figuring it out but I know I like Derek and I'm not straight now stop bugging me and let's play Batman." He nodded and we played till all hours of the morning since we had no school tomorrow.

I was caught.

A/N : hey guys! So I'm going to go with the Monday and Friday schedule!! So as promised her is the next part a little longer that the other :))
Luv u angels <3

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