6: Toad, Dragon, & Rose

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Rosie was up at her normal time, she got dressed and ready for the day. She went to the common room, counting the stairs as she walked down them. She told all of the portraits hello as she walked down the stairs, as she did every morning.

"Good morning, Rosie," Fred smiled, motioning her to come sit with him on the couch.

"Good morning, Bear!" Rosie squealed excitedly, running to Fred and sitting on his lap.

Rosie started playing with his hair, which had gotten considerably long, and Rosie loved it.

Fred smiled at his favorite person, listening to Hermione and George have an argument about puking pastilles.

Once 7:45 hit, the group headed to breakfast. Ron and Harry weren't down yet, they probably overslept again.

Rosie squeaked and flapped seeing pancakes, and ran to her favorite spot at the table. A few first and second years that had not met Rosie, stared for a second before some other students explained. The school had missed Rosie, she always smiled or told everyone hello. She always had something kind to say.

Fred cut her pancakes, since Rosie wasn't allowed knives, and Rosie ate them happily, squirming in her seat in excitement over blueberry syrup. Once the table ate, Rosie started talking about Umbridge and how she didn't want to go to her class. Fred looked down sadly, knowing she was scared of the fat toad.

Fred had to literally carry Rosie to DADA, after she fought him. He put on her song and she relaxed enough to go to class.

"Freddie, I will not have her as a teacher," Rosie pouted. She didn't call Fred Bear, which was a red flag. She only called him Freddie when she was being serious.

"I know, lovey, you just need to attend and George and I will help you," Fred told her. Rosie nodded sadly. She sat between the twins.

"Good morning, students," Umbridge greeted in her squeaky tone that Rosie hated.

Rosie looked out the window and chewed on her rubber necklace.

"You will not need your wands in my classroom, only books, quills, and parchment," Umbridge announced.

When the class rioted, Rosie covered her ears and put her head on the desk.

Fred rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

"Miss Lupin, there is no sleeping in my class," Umbridge sneered at Rosie.

"Professor, she isn't sleeping, she's stemming," Fred said, trying to be polite.

"Well then, no stemming in my class," Umbridge mocked and hit her wand on the desk in front of Rosie. Rosie squeaked and whimpered.

"I'm sorry, but you should really get educated. I've never once heard someone be as incompetent as you are at the moment," George said, truly shocked at their new professor.

"Me? Uneducated? That would be like insulting the ministry!" Umbridge declared.

"The ministry is aware of what autism is unlike you, Rosie cannot simply stop stemming or just not be Rosie," Lee said, defending his friend.

Rosie looked up at the fat toad of a lady and whimpered.

"Autism isn't real!" Umbridge cried out, her voice unsettlingly loud, some wordless and wandless magic pushed Rosie out of her seat and onto the floor.

Rosie screamed and ran. She ran straight into Draco, who was late for potions and had to go get supplies for Snape.

"Rosie, what's wrong?" Draco asked softly, helping Rosie pick up her things.

Rosie || Fred WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora