3: The Order

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Rosie and Fred were watching a muggle show that Rosie adored because of the colors and animals. It was an American cartoon about Dragons called Dragon Tales. Rosie loved this show, even though she was 17, Fred didn't question it.

Last week, Rosie told Fred about her crush on him not realizing how much Fred liked her back. Fred admitted to her he liked her back.

"Bear, I like you," Rosie said while they were watching Dragon Tales.

Fred blushed and gulped, seeing Remus stifling his laughter.

"I-I like you, too, Rosie," Fred admitted. He wasn't sure how Rosie meant the word like. Like like or friend like.

Rosie giggled and smiled, "so does that mean you're my boyfriend?"

Fred smiled and looked at the girl, "if you want me to be." Fred glanced at Remus who gave him a thumbs up.

"Okay Bear, you're my boyfriend now!" Rosie squealed and made her happy flappys.

Fred smiled at her and was taken by surprise when Rosie cuddled into his side to watch Dragon Tales.

"Rosie, it's time to turn off the TV," Remus said to his daughter.

"No!" Rosie yelled and hit Remus's arm.

"Ah ah, no hitting, it's time for lunch," Remus said calmly turning off the TV.

Rosie started to cry when her show was turned off, laying on her stomach on the floor.

"Why don't we have lunch and then we can make some crafts, love," Fred suggested, laying next to Rosie on the floor.

"Dragon Tales!" Rosie screamed, before biting her arm. Rosie was frustrated on why she couldn't watch TV. When she was frustrated, she bit things, unfortunately, sometimes it was herself.

"Dont bite, Love," Fred sighed and rubbed her arm where she had red teeth marks dug into her skin.

"Fred, you go off to lunch, I think Rosie needs some space," Remus told Fred before picking up his daughter, who at 17 was still small. She was 4'11 at most and weighed about 110 pounds.

Remus sat Rosie on her bed, giving her a few stim toys and her song.

Rosie cried herself to sleep after 10-20 minutes of stimming and becoming exhausted.

Remus left her bedroom, leaving her music on, but softer, and covering her up.

"Is she okay?" Fred asked as soon as he saw Remus. Fred was worried about her, he hadn't seen her like this yet and he was nervously pacing after he ate, which made Ginny force him to sit down.

"Yes, she sleeping, I wrapped her arm so she won't bite it again. I'm sorry, Fred, she hasn't gotten this distraught in a long time," Remus explained with his hand on Fred's shoulder.

"What do I do if she's like that?" Fred asked.

"Give her some space and let her sleep," Remus said. Remus could not ask for a better boyfriend for Rosie, even if he didn't like the idea of Rosie having a boyfriend.

Fred nodded and put his head in his hands. Seeing Rosie upset was his least favorite thing.

"Where Rosie Posie?" George asked, walking inside.

"Sleeping, she had a bit of a meltdown," Hermione said, answering for Fred. George nodded and comforted his twin.

"She's okay, mate, just had a rough day, yeah?" George said. Fred just nodded and went upstairs.

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