Ch. 8 Girl's Night...

Start from the beginning

'What I would give for some volleyball today for a distraction... Of all the days for Kuroo and Bokuto to be busy...'

Just as that very thought ran through his head he feels the floor thunder underneath him. As he slides his headphones off his ears Bokuto charges into his room.


Tsukki rolls his eyes at his overly enthusiastic roommate. "What is it Bokuto?"

"My team is holding tryouts!!! You're gonna try out for the team right?!? Right!?!"

"Bokuto, I've got a lot on my plate with school right now, I do want to continue playing volleyball but I don't really think I'm ready for that level."

"Seriously? You're not gonna tryout?" Bokuto pouts "but Hinata's even trying out..."

Tsukki laughs sardonically, "You're hilarious Bo, if that little monster is trying out then I'm definitely not trying out. Why would I even bother."

"Fine if your not gonna try out then you can at least come practice with us. Kuroo is going to be back soon and we are headed to the gym with Hinata to run some drills."

"Alright, let me know when he gets here and we can head out." Tsukki finishes, sliding his headphones back over his ears as a satisfied smirk graces his face.

'Just what I needed... I can kill two birds with one stone... I can get her number from Hinata and get rid of some of this energy...'



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You find yourself on the floor wondering what time it is. It can't be too late because the sun is still out, you think to yourself as you reach up to your night stand and grab your phone. Blinking several times to clear your eyes and get them to focus you see a text from Hitoka telling you what time everyone is heading over.

You get yourself up, grabbing some last minute things and head out the door needing to stop at the store to grab your preferred alcohol and snacks then make your was over to Hitoka's.


Once you get to Hitoka's you don't even bother knocking, just walking right in. Calling out to her once inside.

"Hitoka!!! I'm here!!!"

"Y/N!, I'm in the kitchen!!!"

You come around the corner to see the other girls in the kitchen and Hitoka holding a large bowl of what looks like melted cheese.

"Oh. My. God! Is that what I think it is?"

 God! Is that what I think it is?"

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