Ch. 19 Movie Night....

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You leave Hitoka's place, shortly after receiving Tsukki's texts. Letting them know that yes you are going to see Tsukki but also the good news about Tsukki's internship. They both ask you to express their congratulations as you leave.

Finally gone you hurry to shower, throwing on some minimal makeup and simple flowy dress.

Finally gone you hurry to shower, throwing on some minimal makeup and simple flowy dress

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Shortly after you finish getting ready you hear a knock at your door. You opening it to find a whole new level of sexy. You stand there speechless for a moment as you soak in the image of Tsukishima Kei standing there in a suit and tie. You bite your lip enjoying the view.

Tsukki just smirks at you, "hellooo, earth to y/n."

You give your head a small shake. "Sorry I just uh..." you have no words, so you just smile.

"Yeah?" Tsukki chuckles at you. As he walks in your door, past you to set down his bag.

"I mean what did you expect? Honestly, you show up at my door in a suit and tie and expect me to say anything other than 'yes daddy?'." You freeze as you realize the words that just came out of your mouth.

"Yes daddy?" Tsukki raises an eyebrow at you. "While that's not my particular shade of kink I wouldn't be opposed to hearing you say that." A shit-eating grin spreads across his face.

"Soooo what's in the bag?" You attempt to change the subject.

"Real smooth Pipsqueak," Tsukki laughs "it's a change of clothes so I don't have to stay in the suit that makes you want to say yes daddy." He teases.

"You're never gonna let me live that one down are you?"

"Nope" he says intentionally popping the p. "Now you wanna tell me where I should change at or you want me to just strip right here?"

You squeak as he further flusters you, "Yep, I actually do really want to get ice cream tonight and if you strip here that will definitely NOT be happening. The bathroom is on the left my bedroom is on the right take your pick." You ramble, while pushing him towards the direction of said rooms.

"Alright be back in a minute," Tsukki chuckles heading towards your bathroom. He comes out after a few minutes in a t-shirt and jeans and smelling like heaven.

'Damn I love his cologne... smells so good... nope no bitch! resist the urge... you will not embarrass yourself again... I know you want bury your face against his chest and smell him but resist!... You've already made a fool out of yourself twice tonight let's not make it 3 times alright...'

Passion of a Cold Heart (Tsukishima x female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora