A Life-Changing Choice part 1

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This part takes place a few weeks or so after the latest part. Basically Arrow 3x20 with Olivarry instead of Olicity so please Olicity fans don't come at me. But with a bit more fluff, much more steam and some over protective boyfriends.

Barry and Oliver had kept frequent contact despite their busy lives, since Barry visited a recently brought-back-to-life Oliver and a lot had happened for the both of them since then.
After a worrying call from Felicity, Barry once again had to run over to try and talk some sense into his boyfriend. Plus he also had to get away since being in Dr Wells presence was getting harder every day after finding out he's the man who killed his mother, or well Thawne did but he looks like Wells, it's all too confusing.
Oliver was just about to board a plane carrying the body of his dead sister. Barry gasped slightly at the sight because he didn't want to believe Felicity was right until now and she noticed the look of fear on Barry's face.
   "Hi, Barry. I wasn't sure you'd come." The blonde said, apparently whatever the thing between himself and Oliver was, was still a secret, but he wasn't sure what to say so he rushed towards his boyfriend instead.
  "Ollie." Barry called out with a soft tone in his voice and his boyfriend turned around slowly to look at him. "I'm coming with you." the scarlet speedster said stubbornly and Oliver wasn't really in the mood to start a fight with his boyfriend right now so he just nodded, even though he hated the idea of Barry being in danger too. Barry joined Oliver and Felicity in the back of the plane while Diggle was guarding Malcolm Merlyn, since he was going to take them to Nanda Parbat as their pilot. After all Malcolm was apparently Thea's father.
Most of the trip was silent because Barry was just there to offer his support, but not as the Flash. He was wearing his usual gray coat and a red sweater underneath. Oliver fell asleep with his head on his shoulder pretty quickly and the speedster slowly traced his fingers in circles on the back of Oliver's hand that he'd grabbed in his own. What if this is a stupid idea? In the future I'm supposedly married to Iris, what if I'm doing something stupid joining Oliver on this mission?
"I never thought he'd be able to sleep when his sister is ... dead..." Felicity still had a hard time dealing with it too. Even though they were going to heal Oliver's sister, hopefully, if things were going as planned. "...there must be something about you and I'm happy he has you." she added which made Barry blush because he hadn't even realized that he wasn't alone with Oliver and had grabbed his hand and they were showing public affection.
  "So you're... um...not mad that I... got him instead?" Barry asked carefully and Felicity just chuckled quietly to avoid waking Oliver up because the speedster's comment and the blush on his cheeks was just very adorable.
  "No. I think he needs you more than he ever needed me. You're the light in his life." Barry looked from the sleeping Oliver to Felicity when she said that as he realized she must've heard their conversation about humanity and light. "Yeah, I might've heard some of the conversation you two had during our latest mission." she said to clear it up for him.
Barry glanced back at Oliver again. "But in the future, I'm apparently married to Iris which I don't really see happening right now so something eventually goes wrong and I'm terrified that I'm going to lose him." he murmured with a quiet voice and he felt tears welling up in his eyes.
  Then he felt a comforting hand reach for his. "The future is not set in stone, Barry, if you're meant to be with Oliver or if you'll end up with Iris, no one knows. The only one who can control your future is you not some creepy villain from the future." Felicity said and Barry managed to smile because she was right. "And if you're so worried, you should just talk to him. I'm gonna go see if John needs any help guarding our murderous pilot."
When Felicity had gone to the front of the plane where Diggle and Thea's body also was, Barry gently woke Oliver up by placing a soft kiss on his temple and nuzzling his nose into his scruffy cheek which caused the archer to chuckle cause it was tickling him. "Hey, sleeping beauty." the speedster murmured and a blush appeared across Oliver's cheeks.
  "We're not there yet, are we?" The archer sat up straight looking out the window with worry on his face.
  "No. Not yet. I just wanted to talk to you." Barry said to comfort his tense boyfriend and those blue eyes looked at him in curiosity.
"I discovered this news article from the future, and it was oddly enough written by Iris West-Allen. And now I'm just worried that something's gonna happen to you and I just... I don't wanna lose you." Barry said barely looking at his boyfriend. Then a comforting arm was suddenly wrapped around him and Oliver pulled him closer.
  "You're not gonna lose me." The older hero whispered into the speedster's ear as he comfortingly leaned back so Barry's head was resting on his chest.
  "You can't promise that..." the younger superhero said with a sigh.
  A tender kiss was pressed against his forehead. "No, but I can promise you that I love you and that I will never leave you unless I have to." Those words reassured Barry a little and a smile spread across his face.
  "I love you too." The younger man whispered and tilted his head so their lips could meet in a tender kiss.

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