Sparks Fly

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Authors note: This story takes place right after 3x08 of Arrow and it's a very steamy fanfic so read with caution and don't read it at all if you don't crackship/ship Olivarry. 😂

Barry had managed to run past Oliver so quickly that he stumbled over his feet and fell to the ground.
  Barry got very excited and laughed victoriously. "Hah, I beat you!" he said. Oliver groaned and tried to reach for his bow that he dropped in the fall, but the speedster had his red boot on it.
Then Barry reached out his hand to help Oliver up, who took it but instead of pulling himself up he dragged Barry down so he landed on top of him. It caused the teasing speedster to gasp in surprise and now Oliver was the one who grinned. Then he shoved Barry off him and got a hold of his bow again so he could point an arrow at Barry's chest.
"You might be fast but you're not very smart. And now you're dead..." Oliver said with a grin on his face and somehow Barry could hear a flirtatious tone in his voice. Only Oliver Queen could manage to sound seductive and sexy saying that. "...unless you admit that I won and that you'll do exactly as I say from now on." he continued and Barry's heart almost stopped for a second. He couldn't decide what was more intimidating, the arrow pointed at his heart or the meaning behind Oliver's words. All Barry could do was to nod and Oliver pulled back his bow again.
Once Oliver had gotten up on his feet he pulled Barry up as well, but he didn't let go of his hand. Instead he intertwined his green gloves fingers with the speedster's red gloved ones, and leaned in and whispered. "Take me home."
  Barry swallowed, but he didn't hesitate running them back to Oliver's fancy apartment.

When Oliver had unlocked the door Barry slowly turned away. "Alright, see you around..." he mumbled, but before he could run off Oliver grabbed his wrist.
  "Where are you going?" His voice was deep like the Arrow's when he threatened people and made his words almost sound as a threat.
  Barry swallowed hard again. "Um home...?" he said shyly. Oliver was shaking his head and pulled Barry into his penthouse apartment. Then he closed the door and locked it.
"Uh oh you changed your mind didn't you? You're actually gonna kill me..." Barry said with a gulp, but Oliver just cracked a laugh and put his bow and quiver down before he pulled his hood down as well.
  "No, I'm not going to kill you..." the archer said and took a step closer and placed a hand under Barry's cowled up chin. "...I'm going to kiss you." he added and Barry's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't sure he heard correctly. Did Oliver just say he was going to kiss him? Barry's heart was racing so fast he didn't know if he should stay put or run away.
Oliver blushed because he couldn't believe he just said that out loud. It was probably because he had been thinking about it the whole evening. But then he got his senses back and removed his hand from Barry's face and took a step back while blushing because it was a crazy idea. He wasn't into guys and neither was Barry. At least, he didn't think so because no one had made him feel the way Barry had before.
Barry felt weirdly disappointed when Oliver took a few steps back and he surprised himself by taking down his cowl and closing the distance between them again. He slowly and carefully placed his arms around Oliver's neck because he didn't want to seem too eager. Not since Oliver's look made him a bit worried that he had changed his mind about that kiss.
"What are you doing?" Oliver asked with an eyebrow raised in confusion. His heart was hammering in his chest and he was trying not to let it show. Did Barry actually want to kiss him too? He didn't have to think for too long to find out.
Barry chuckled nervously because it was very surreal that he was standing in Oliver Queen's apartment with his arms around his neck while wearing their super suits. "I want you to kiss me." he sighed with his eyes closed while his heart kept trying to beat out of his chest. He surprised himself by uttering those words and his cheeks flushed even more red.
Oliver's jaw dropped but then his lips twitched into a smile. "Don't get too cocky..." he said and couldn't help but throw a glance down at Barry in that tight suit. It definitely couldn't hide how much this affected him and that made Oliver want him even more. He gave the speedster a dirty grin while he added the same words he used earlier this evening. "I still call the shots."
  Then he placed his hand under Barry's soft chin again and slowly leaned in and brushed his lips against the dorky speedster's.
The first taste of Oliver's lips against his own felt as if lightning had struck Barry all over again. But this time it wasn't lightning it was the feeling of Oliver's lips against his own that sent a jolt of electricity from his lips down to his toes. He drove one hand into the archer's dirty-blonde hair and melted into the kiss.
Oliver deepened the kiss and drove his fingers into Barry's hair too. He was so hungry for him and once he had gotten a taste of those soft pink lips, he couldn't get enough so he widened Barry's mouth further and slipped his tongue into his mouth.
  Their first kiss was so intense and when their lips parted they both sighed as they were drawing their breaths. Barry bit his lip before he started chuckling nervously. "Damn, I've kissed Oliver Queen." he sighed while he blushed. He couldn't believe it actually happened because he'd been thinking about it ever since he first met him and the reality was far better than he could've imagined.
Oliver smiled because there was something very adorable about the way Barry used his whole name as if he really admired him and not just the vigilante. He couldn't help but brush his lips gently against Barry's again. The sweet peck soon turned into another passionate kiss that caused them both to sigh breathlessly.
"I'm really glad that I spared your life." Oliver said playfully which made Barry chuckle and then he kissed the archer again. He wrapped his arms tighter around those muscular green-clothed shoulders and pulled him even closer against his own red-clad body.
  Barry knew Oliver had seen how ready he was for him earlier because his suit didn't leave much to imagination, but he was unsure if the archer really felt the same way. Until Oliver moved one hand down to Barry's waist and bumped his growing erection against the speedster's leg, that made it very clear that they both wanted the same thing.
  Their lips parted again and Oliver whispered with a deep and seductive voice. "Suit off." That made Barry's heart skip a beat again. His hands were shaking as he eased the grip around Oliver's neck and was about to take off his suit.
"For someone who's supposed to be the fastest man alive you're very slow right now." Oliver said with a seductive grin and added. "Or are you just being this slow to tease me?"
Barry sighed as nervousness washed over him. "No! It's because I'm terrified of how much I want you and I'm scared you're not gonna want me because I'm not as handsome as you." he could hear how pathetic that sounded, but he couldn't help but feel that way. He was clearly more nervous than he thought and it affected his voice and made him sound a bit upset.
Oliver proceeded to take of his green jacket and Barry's first thought Jesus Christ, he's hot was quickly replaced with sympathy from the sight of all the scars and burn marks on his chest and sides. "You don't think I'm terrified too?" the archer asked.
Then Barry gently ran his hands carefully down Oliver's scarred muscular chest and gently brushed his fingers against one scar that was closest to his heart. "I'm sorry." Barry murmured and was about to pull his hand back but Oliver placed his hand over the younger man's and he could feel his racing heartbeat.
  "Sorry for what, Barry? You didn't do this?" Oliver said and brushed his other hand against Barry's soft flushed cheek. The tenderness made him blush more. "You're the one who's going to put me back together. I learned that today, when you saw the light in me." The archer added before he brushed his lips against Barry's again.
"And don't you doubt for a moment that I want you." Oliver whispered against the speedster's lips before he claimed his mouth passionately again which made Barry gasp slightly.
  They stared into each other's eyes for a few intense seconds in silence before Oliver dragged Barry into his bedroom. "Take that suit off before I tear it off you." Oliver ordered with a firm voice that made Barry's heart skip another beat.
  "Yes, Sir." Barry responded with a flush on his cheeks because Oliver's order sounded like he was the master of him. Then he quickly rushed out of his suit and crawled into Oliver's bed under the covers to shield himself while his heart was hammering in his chest.
  Oliver smiled and blushed as he took of his shoes and his pants slowly while green eyes widened. Barry's heart skipped a beat again because he had never been this attracted to another man before and he definitely never thought he'd end up in playboy Oliver Queen's bed.
Before joining the speedster on his bed Oliver pulled down the mask that Barry had made him last year. Until now it had remained around his neck. He noticed instantly how much it affected Barry and he watched him bite his lip and that made him smile seductively as he crawled onto the bed to claim Barry's hungry mouth again.
When their lips parted Barry sighed. "You... you're really gonna wear that?" he asked with his heart stuck in his throat as he brushed his fingers against Oliver's scruffy cheek and touched the mask.
  Oliver nodded. "Isn't this what you made it for?" he asked with a dirty smile on his face before he pressed his lips against Barry's neck and the speedster couldn't hide a soft laugh mixed with a moan.
"Not even in my dirtiest thoughts..." the younger man replied before he claimed Oliver's mouth again.
Then Oliver's lips wandered from Barry's down to his jaw, then down his smooth neck and his hands simultaneously ran down his chest and sides. The hunger for him grew with every touch and kiss.
Barry drove one hand into Oliver's hair again as he deepened another kiss while his other hand travelled down Oliver's back and then up his chest again. That's when he noticed he was starting shaking.
"If you're that nervous maybe we shouldn't do this..." Oliver said with a sigh as he pulled his hands away. Barry's body was still shaking so Oliver grabbed his hands and squeezed them gently. "...Because I don't want to pressure you into doing something you're not ready for." the archer said with so much tenderness in his voice.
Barry sighed. "No, I'm ready for this...I want this... believe me..." his voice was very low as a heavy blush crept over his face. "'s just I-..." he wasn't sure if he could admit the embarrassing truth. "...I haven't been with anyone since..." he said shyly, but couldn't finish the sentence because he was scared Oliver would reject him now. He's so experienced and he's probably even been with a few guys before in his playboy years.
"Since you became The Flash?" Oliver finished the sentence for him with a raised eyebrow and Barry nodded.
  "Yeah... so I understand if you don't want..." Barry started but Oliver interrupted his sentence by kissing him passionately again. The thought of being the first to sleep with the Flash made it even hotter. He slipped his hand up Barry's thigh while he mapped out his warm mouth and they both sighed and gazed at each other.
"I want you even more now." Oliver growled against the younger man's lips and it made Barry's heart skip again when he kissed Oliver again while he pulled him closer against his own lean body until there was no space left between them.
  In one quick move Barry pulled down his own red boxer shorts and shortly thereafter he pulled Oliver's black shorts down as well which made them both gasp.
With a seductive smile Oliver started rubbing Barry's hard length and it made him gasp instantly and it didn't take long before he was trembling because of the first orgasm. "Ollie..." he gasped out loud while Oliver smeared the mess on his fingers and started preparing Barry's hole. He felt a rush when the speedster called him by his nickname.
  Once Barry was stretched enough for him Oliver thrusted into the younger man who gasped again. They rocked together in perfect synchronization until Oliver dropped down next to Barry after his orgasm and they were both breathing heavily.
  Barry threw a glance at Oliver and chuckled at the thought of what they just did before he rolled up on his arm and pressed his lips against Oliver's neck. Then he moved his mouth down his collarbone and gently kissed his scars and looked up at him for permission.
Oliver was filled up with want as Barry's hands wandered lower and lower on his chest and when the archer noticed what the younger lover was about to do, he stopped his hands from going further. Then he took of his mask and Barry raised an eyebrow in confusion.
"I just want you to wear this now." Oliver whispered seductively into Barry's ear while he applied the mask to the speedster's face while he was biting his lip. "That's high key hot." he moaned before he kissed Barry passionately again.
  With a chuckle Barry placed himself behind Oliver and started rubbing him before he thrusted into him because he was leaking with pre-cum already, again. But he tried to not move too quickly inside the archer, but as the need grew he couldn't help himself and he sped up his movements.
  "Oh, Barry." Oliver sighed breathlessly while he cum and panted heavily when Barry pulled out from him again.
  Afterwards they were both trying to collect their heavy breathing and shared a glance. Oliver leaned in and stole another soft kiss.
  "Wow, I can't believe we actually did this..." Barry sighed with a chuckle before he brushed his lips against Oliver's again.
  Then they both pulled on their underwear again after the kiss and the younger man cuddled up in Oliver's arms and placed his head on his muscular chest.
"Just know that you can call me Ollie whenever you want from now on." Oliver said and it made Barry chuckle.
  "Is that like an exclusive club or something?" The speedster joked as he tilted his head up to meet Oliver's blue eyes while his lips twitched into a smile.  
  "No, but only the people I'm closest to gets to call me that." Oliver clarified while he slipped his fingers down Barry's back very gently. "And one doesn't get much closer than this." He continued before he pressed a kiss to Barry's soft sweaty brown hair.
"Is that another challenge... Ollie?" Barry wondered and looked up into his blue eyes which made Oliver smile as he brushed his lips against Barry's again. Then he cupped Barry's chin in his hand and deepened the kiss even further with their tongues playfully fighting for dominance. Then their lips parted again and they both sighed.
"I guess we should keep this as a secret for now unless you don't want the word to spread that The Arrow took The Flash's virginity." Oliver said teasingly and Barry's heart jumped in his chest again before he broke into laughter because it was surreal that it was actually true. Oliver chuckled as well.
  "Well it could be a lot worse...since I can't have Iris you're the only one I want to be with. But I wouldn't want to ruin playboy Oliver Queen's reputation of being a ladies man." Barry joked with a gleam in his green eyes and then he pressed his lips briefly against Oliver's again and they kissed each other slowly and passionately until their lips parted again. Then Barry rolled down from Oliver's chest and took of the mask.
"I guess I should probably run out." Barry said with a sigh and Oliver felt a big sting of disappointment. He wanted the speedster to stay the night since he felt more complete than he'd felt in a long time.
"Why don't you stay?" Oliver asked without looking at Barry because he was blushing. The speedster smiled softly at him.
"I'd love to, but I'd be late for work tomorrow." Barry responded and Oliver smiled back at him.
  "As if that's a new thing..." the archer said sarcastically before he leaned in and kissed Barry again which wiped his doubts away.
  "Alright, you have a point." Barry agreed and sighed as he curled up on Oliver's bare arm.
"Good night, Barry." Oliver whispered as he reached for the lamp on the nightstand to turn out the light, that had been the only light, during their love-making.
  "Good night, Ollie." Barry said in return and tilted his head to kiss his lover one last time before they fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning Barry woke up and noticed that Oliver was still asleep. He blushed to himself when he remembered what they did last night. But the embarrassment was quickly overshadowed by how peaceful and happy Oliver looked in his sleep because he was smiling in his sleep.
  Barry gently caressed the scruffy cheek and thought to himself it was crazy that he ended up here. A part of him knew the sensible thing to do would be to run out before Oliver woke up since he assumed it was a one time thing, but the archer looked so peaceful that he couldn't bring himself to leave. Instead he leaned in and brushed his lips against Oliver's to wake him up. But it seemed like he pretended that he was still asleep since his lips twitched into a smile as Barry's lips moved down to his neck.
Oliver couldn't help but sigh with pleasure as he woke up by light open mouthed kisses. "Good morning, you." he said with a hoarse morning voice and Barry looked into his eyes and leaned in and stole another deep soft kiss.
"Good morning to you too, Ollie." The younger man sighed when their lips parted.
  Oliver slipped his fingers into Barry's soft hair. "This is undoubtedly the best morning I've ever had." he admitted with a blush and smiled when Barry pressed his lips against his neck again.
Then Barry slowly rolled away from him. "I agree, this morning is incredible, but I gotta run." he excused himself while rolling out of bed and quickly got into his Flash suit again.
  Oliver pulled on a pair of pants before he followed the speedster out in the hallway. "Wait." he said and grabbed Barry's hand. "Thank you." The archer added with a soft voice and brushed his free hand against Barry's cheek.
  "For what?" Barry asked with a wink in his eyes. The experienced former playboy couldn't be thanking him for the sex now could he?
  "For making me feel better and happier than I've been in a very very long time, last night." Oliver said with his most genuine voice. His heart was skipping in his chest while he spoke because he wasn't easily talking about his feelings and he wasn't used to feeling happy. It was weird.
Barry smiled at him and blushed. "You deserve to be happy, Ollie. You need to stop thinking that you don't." he said and gently grabbed both Oliver's hands and placed them around his own neck.
  Oliver sighed. "How can you have so much faith in me after everything I've done...?" The archer asked and Barry gave him a gentle smile.
  "Because I know you're not a monster, Ollie. You're a hero." The speedster said before he pressed his lips against Oliver's in a passionate last kiss before he ran out the door and ran back to Central City.

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