My Last Thought Was You

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You'd think a sword through your chest would distract you from any other kind of thoughts, but as Ra's Al Ghul stabbed a sword through me all I could think about was all the people that I had let down. My sister. My team. And Barry. Never thought last night with him would actually be my last night with him.

Then Oliver found himself half unconscious on something warm and fluffy, but he couldn't tell where he was or how he got here. The last thing he remember was being stabbed and pushed off a mountain.
"Barry." He tried calling out with a weak voice. But no response, of course not, he was most likely dead and Barry was not. But he was so sure he could see his face clear as day. He saw a pair of green piercing eyes and that bright beaming smile, that he had come to know and love, but something was different. There was a halo above the brown soft hair that he loved pulling his fingers through and angel wings was sticking out from his back. Then the silhouette of angel Barry suddenly disappeared and the unconscious vigilante thought he heard voices in Chinese but he wasn't sure. He was still barely conscious. "Where's Barry?" he whispered.

Meanwhile in Central City Barry had been too distracted to think about where Oliver might be, and it's not like they're exclusive or anything just because they agreed to be boyfriends before everything went down this Christmas. Oliver had probably taken off regretting the decision already. And the Christmas had been distracting enough not to think about anything involving Oliver, okay maybe Barry thought of him a little after he finally told Iris how he felt, but she choose to stay with Eddie. And he finally met the man in yellow who killed his mother and he let him get away. Something Oliver wouldn't have done. But it was a new year now and still no word from Oliver. Barry had tried calling his phone probably five hundred times with no luck and he wasn't sure if Oliver wanted his team to find out so he hadn't called them.
  But then this completely ordinary afternoon when Barry had just gotten home from work at the station, and he was in a rush to get back to Star Labs and see if there was any news on The Man In Yellow. And thankfully Joe wasn't home yet when some strange man dressed in weird black clothes, no more like shreds knocked on the door.
"Are you Barry Allen?" the stranger asked and Barry scratched his head in confusion.
  "Yes. I am. Who are you? And what's going on?" The confused man asked. But the stranger simply dragged him outside and forced him into a car.
"Wait. Where are you taking me?" Barry asked and was about to rush out of the car, but he didn't know if this stranger was a killer who would try to murder him if he tried to fight him so he stayed put and he also couldn't reveal his powers to any strangers.
The man didn't even address him until they were at an airport. "You are Barry Allen? Then you should come with me." The English of this person wasn't the best Barry thought. And he wasn't familiar at all.
"Why? I'm not taking a jet-plane with some weirdo who kidnapped me." The speedster tried to protest but his efforts didn't help. The stranger forced him into the plane and didn't say anything else until it had left the ground.
"He have been asking for you."  the Asian stranger said while piloting the plane on his own.
  "Who?" Barry wondered, still worried whether or not he was being kidnapped.
"Oliver Queen." As soon as Barry heard the name he became very still in his seat.
"That's strange. Because he's never mentioned knowing some foreign Asian dude dressed in black shreds." The stranger glared at him and Barry quickly looked away hoping he wouldn't get killed for the insult.
"My wife's healing him. Then he asked for you." Barry twitched his head from staring out the window so quickly at the mention of 'healing him' that he was afraid he pulled a muscle in his neck, luckily with his speed healing it would heal soon.
  "What- what happened to him?" fear and guilt rushed through Barry. He had been thinking Oliver was ignoring him when he'd been in some kind of danger.
  "Ra's Al Ghul killed him." The words startled Barry so much that he remained silent for the rest of the trip. He wasn't aware that he'd been silently crying until the plane stopped in the cold mountains in some very unfamiliar location. Because when the cold air slammed against them getting out of the plane, tears almost froze on his face. Then the stranger led Barry to a hidden cottage in the mountains.
"Let's leave them to talk." the unfamiliar man said to an Asian woman who came to meet them at the door and she followed the stranger who kidnapped Barry outside after taking a long look at Barry.
"The island sure changed his taste." she murmured. Barry wasn't sure whether or not to feel insulted but the sight of Oliver on a gurney with bandages and more cuts and bruises than usual instantly stole his focus.
  "Ollie." Barry said with a sigh and ran up to the gurney on the floor and dropped to his knees next to his injured boyfriend and grabbed his hand and brought it up to his lips to gently brush a sweet kiss against those bruised knuckles. "I'm here now. Sorry, it took me so long. I would've come here a lot sooner if I knew." he didn't realize he was sobbing until he felt the tears streaming down his face.
  "Barry." The voice was hoarse and sounded absent as if Oliver thought he was dreaming that he heard the voice of his guardian angel. But then the injured vigilante slowly opened his blue eyes.
  "You're really here." Oliver whispered and carefully reached up and brushed his fingers against Barry's cheek while nodded. He could feel his skin for real and the tears on the speedster's face which caused him to start crying too. "You shouldn't be here..." worry instantly took over and he squeezed his eyes shut hoping the image would disappear again. Barry couldn't possibly be here for real. Then the familiar voice pulled him back again.
  "Of course I should. I love you, Ollie." Barry sobbed as he carefully laid down next to his injured boyfriend on the gurney that wasn't really big enough for the both of them so he gently placed his head against the least bruised shoulder. "I would never have let you go alone, if I knew you'd get yourself killed. Please don't ever try to leave me like this ever again." he continued through his sobs that now streamed down Oliver's neck and shoulder.
  The injured archer managed to tilt his head very carefully to the side so he could kiss his boyfriend's forehead which caused the younger man to look up at him again. He caught deep blue eyes with so much sorrow, but at the same time relief that looked into his own green eyes filled with tears.
  "I love you, Barry Allen. My last thought was you." Oliver said with a weak voice and tears fell down his cheeks when Barry leaned in to capture his boyfriend's lips in a tender careful kiss since he was afraid he might hurt him more if he wasn't careful. He was still squeezing one of his hands while slowly working up his mouth further. Their lips parted when they both realized they were crying when they both could feel salty tears on their lips. "I love you so much." the archer repeated after the kiss and those soft words sent a warm feeling through the speedster, but then he remembered the situation they were in.
  "We have to get you out of here." Barry said as he sat up and tried to pull the archer up in a sitting position too, but he was met with Oliver's stubbornness.
  "No. My sister. My team, they're all still in danger. I have to stay here." Oliver sighed while Barry's eyes widened in shock as he was shaking his head and of waved Oliver's crazy words away.
"We'll find another way to keep them safe, I can literally run them anywhere where this monster who killed you, can't find them." The speedster was just as stubborn as his boyfriend. I just thought I'd lost the man I love who loves me in return, and I didn't feel like doing that ever again.
  "He'll find them, Barry. And I can't just run from my problems, the only way is for me to take him down so I can't go home." Oliver said and tried to sit up by himself despite the pain in his body. Barry helped his stubborn boyfriend to lean against the headboard made of pillows behind him in the cottage.
  "So what, you're just gonna get yourself killed again. Ollie, he killed you. I can't lose you again. I... I just can't." Barry said before he started crying again and Oliver gently brushed the tears away.
  "That's why I need your support, Barry. I need you to understand that I have to do this." He murmured quietly while he struggled through the pain to pull Barry into a loose hug. The speedster felt like everything eased up for a second when he felt Oliver's strong bare arms wrapped around him.
  Suddenly they were interrupted by the female from before. "You're awake." she said followed by a conversation in Chinese that made Barry highly confused.
  When the woman had turned her attention to grab some herbs of some kind, the confused but impressed speedster turned to his boyfriend again. "I didn't know you could speak Chinese." he said in surprise.
  For some reason the tone in his boyfriend's voice amused Oliver who let out a slight chuckle. "It's mandarin actually, and I also speak Russian. ya lyublyu tebya."
  Barry crinkled his eyebrows in confusion yet again. "That's very hot, but I have no idea what you just said."
  A smile crossed Oliver's lips. "It means I love you in Russian." he said with a tender voice as he brushed his fingers against his boyfriend's soft flushed cheek. But just as Oliver was about to lean in for another kiss, the woman interrupted them.
  "You need to drink this." she said. Surprisingly Oliver didn't protest. He drank the herbal drink the woman had made.
  "By the way. Barry, this is Tatsu. Tatsu, this is Barry." Oliver introduced them after finishing the weird drink and Barry mustered all the politeness to reach out his hand and offer the woman, Tatsu a handshake.
  "Thanks for healing him." Barry said quietly and a blush instantly spread across his cheeks. He wasn't used to the idea of Oliver being his boyfriend yet, but there was no use in trying to hide it anymore.
"Me and my family owed him." Tatsu explained before she walked away, grabbed a coat and said something else to Oliver in mandarin before she left the cottage again.
  "Where's she going? And what did she say?" Barry asked. He was both curious and still a bit worried if she could be trusted. But Oliver seemed to trust her.
  "She left us alone again. To say goodbye." Oliver said with a sigh.
  Barry's eyes widened again. "No what? Ollie, I'm not gonna leave you here." he squeezed both Oliver's hands in his. "Please. Don't make me leave you." tears started streaming down Barry's face again at the sole thought of leaving his boyfriend here.
  "Barry, if Ra's finds you, he'd kill you..." Oliver spoke in a tone so soft, with so much worry that he cut himself off. "...and I can't live without you."
  Barry suddenly rushed up from the floor and raised his voice. "You think I could? Ollie, I just found out you had been dead while my biggest stupid concern this Christmas had been Iris and Eddie. Even though she doesn't feel the same way about me. And I thought that you had cut me off because you had realized Felicity was the one or something?" he was too upset to cry anymore. He was just upset.
  "Barry." Oliver struggled through his pain to reach out and take his boyfriend's hand to calm him down.
  "No. I lost Iris because I was too scared of my own feelings and telling her how I feel my whole life, and I refuse to lose you because I let you get away too." Barry could hear the desperation in his own voice as he sank back down on his knees next to the gurney. "If you love me... why do you want to leave me?" he asked with a sob stuck in his throat.
  Oliver reached out to wipe some of the new tears from Barry's face before he placed his hand behind his neck. "I don't. But this isn't just about you, Barry. If I don't kill Ra's he's going to kill everyone I love, including you, and I'd rather die before I let that happen." The archer swore before he leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Barry's lips. The speedster instantly became more hungry and desperate. He parted Oliver's lips with his tongue and grabbed a hold of the back of his hair.
  A soft moan escaped Barry's lips as their mouths parted again. "And don't ever doubt that I love you." Oliver murmured against the speedster's lips. "I love the way your eyes light up when you smile..." he ran his fingertips across the speedsters red cheek while holding his green gaze. "I love your endless annoying optimism..." Barry chuckled as Oliver spoke but the vigilante boyfriend couldn't help but steal another kiss. "And I love your big heart, Barry. When I told you that you could be a guardian angel I didn't think you'd actually become my guardian angel." A single tear rolled down the emotional archer's cheek while he spoke. "But I saw you. When I thought I was dead, I saw an angel who looked like you."
  Barry wiped his boyfriend's tears away with his thumb before he pressed his lips against the same spot on his cheek. Oliver clumsily and desperately reached for the button in Barry's pants and quickly flipped it open, followed by the zipper. "Make me feel alive again. I need you." Oliver didn't have to tell his horny speedster boyfriend twice.
  Barry quickly struggled off his shirt followed by his unbuttoned pants before he carefully straddled Oliver on the gurney who was wearing nothing but black pants and his dark boxers could be seen sticking up underneath. The speedster wrapped his arms around the vigilante's broad shoulders and kissed him deeply and slowly, then Oliver let out a soft groan.
  "Sorry. Is this okay?" Barry asked with insecurity in his voice. A low growl escaped Oliver's throat as he felt himself harden between their pressed bodies before he claimed Barry's mouth again. Then his lips wandered to his boyfriend's smooth neck where he sucked gently until a moan escaped Barry's lips.
  "Okay, I'll take that as a yes." The speedster chuckled with his voice on the verge of breaking because he was so turned on. He carefully helped Oliver out of his pants and the boxers separating them before he struggled off his own underwear.
  "Touch me." Oliver's voice was another low growl and he almost sounded like he was begging. Barry gently slipped his hands down the muscular chest, carefully unwrapped the bandage around the archer's chest. The pink recent scar was clearly visible amongst his faded ones.
  "If you don't kill Ra's then I will." Barry muttered under his breath as the sight of the new scar made him both angry and sad.
  Oliver was shaking his head. "No. You're not a killer, Barry. You're too pure to be one." he whispered before he claimed his boyfriend's mouth again. More hungrily this time as he drove his fingers deeper into the soft brown hair.
  "If I was pure I wouldn't be straddling you right now." Barry said very teasingly when their lips parted which made Oliver chuckle. The speedster's his hands slipped down Oliver's muscular scarred body very carefully and gently as if he was made of glass. Until he reached the aching member between their bodies that he desperately wanted to touch.
  Oliver ignored his pain and rocked his hips to meet Barry's gentle strokes before he reached out to grip his boyfriend's hardening erection and started to jerk him off the same way. "Bring me back to life." the archer moaned into Barry's ear. All it took was a few more firm strokes, and a powerful vibration when the speedster came first, then they had both painted each other with their cum as they both reached their climax at the same time.
  After coming down from their first high with heavy breaths Barry wiped some of the cum from Oliver's abs and seductively licked his sticky fingers.
  A low growl escaped Oliver's throat. "Fuck, I didn't even have to tell you to do that." He said as he hit his lip while watching Barry lick his fingers like that.
  "Still too pure?" The speedster asked with a dirty grin on his face that only made Oliver shake his head. "Since you're injured, you better let me do this." Barry continued before he slicked up his fingers with some more of that sticky mess so his fingers would be wet enough before he started opening up his boyfriend's hole.
  "No. I want you... to ride me." Oliver gasped with his mouth wide open and eyes blown wide. All Barry could do was to nod. Then he started to slicked Oliver's slowly hardening erection up before he started opening himself up. It was as if being with a speedster had erased his recovery time too, the archer thought while he watched with wide eyes as Barry was touching himself in front of him, stretching himself, preparing for something way sharper than one of his arrows, or two as the case might be.
  "Oh my...I love watching you do that too." Oliver sighed breathlessly and brought the speedster's lips down to meet his own again in a passionate kiss that broke when Barry carefully seated himself on Oliver's hard dick. The archer ignored his pain from the sword-match that killed him and placed his hands on the other man's waists to help guide him in place.
  "This doesn't hurt, does it?" Barry was worried again for a moment but his boyfriend was shaking his head.
"No. You can just move." Oliver grunted and the speedster did as he was asked. He bounced up and down slowly before slamming back down. Both gasped as Barry's spot was hit.
  While Barry was riding him Oliver kissed his boyfriend's neck again while he was moving in and out of him in a slow rocking rhythm. "You're sure, they're not gonna come back right?" the speedster managed to get out with a chuckle before slamming back down again, once again hitting the right spot.
  "I certainly hope they won't." was Oliver's short breathless response mixed with a chuckle. Then Barry stole another sloppy kiss before he increased his thrusts and started to vibrate with the archer's cock inside him which caused his boyfriend to cum inside of him while he jerked the vibrating speedster off. White hot cum painted his scarred chest once more.
  Breathlessly Barry dropped down next to Oliver afterwards which gained him a groan in frustration. After collecting his heavy breathing the speedster ran around cleaning them and the gurney up.
  Then he leaned against the pillows next to the injured, still heavily breathing vigilante, and dropped his head to his boyfriend's fit shoulder. "Did I bring you back to life well?" he murmured and a blush crossed his cheeks.
  Oliver's lips twitched into a smile. "More than well. You rocked my world, Barry. But I guess you always do." he mumbled and tilted his boyfriend's head up so their lips could meet again.
  "I love you, Oliver Queen." Barry whispered once their lips parted and then he wrapped his bare arms around Oliver to bring him in to a tight but careful hug.
  Oliver ignored his pain again, after that hook up he could do anything, to hug the lean man back and breathe him in. "I love you too, so much, if I didn't make myself clear." he murmured into the speedster's ear. Warm breath tickled his skin and Barry chuckled softly before he leaned back again to look into those blue eyes.
  "Does that mean you'll give up your suicide mission?" Barry asked with hope on his face and Oliver didn't want to crush that.
  "I won't die for you and my family again." Oliver promised. He hated lying to Barry, but he couldn't let him or anyone else he loved get hurt. "But for now I need you to go home." the archer continued.
  "Alright. But only because you're sleeping with me." Barry said teasingly while Oliver chuckled as he was shaking his head, then the speedster rushed up and got dressed again. But he sat down on his knees again right afterwards so he could steal another deep loving kiss.
"Oh and what the hell is this place?" Barry asked once their lips parted.
  Another chuckle escaped Oliver's throat. "Nanda Parbat. Home of the league of assassins."
  Barry stood up and threw out with his arms. "Of course, and the head of this league is the man who killed you?" Oliver nodded with a sigh.
  "How do you even plan on taking some crazy assassin down?" The stubborn speedster asked while crossing his arms over his chest in a failed attempt at looking intimidating.
  "Since he thinks I'm dead he won't see me coming and if he does, I'm pretty sure he'll offer me the choice of becoming the new leader."
  Barry's eyes widened in surprise again. "So your wonderful plan is to become the new head of the League Of Assassins. That's just great!" he said with his voice filled with irony.
  "Barry, I'm doing it for your safety, for my sister and my team." Oliver explained with another sigh while Barry kneeled next to his boyfriend again.
  "Who turned you into such a big softie, Ollie?" The speedster asked teasingly and a gleam appeared in Oliver's eyes.
  "You." The Starling City hero responded before he captured Barry's lips in a passionate kiss again.
  Once their lips parted Barry got up and started heading towards the door to the cottage, but before he left he turned around. "If you die again, I'm personally gonna find a way to run back in time and punish you for breaking your promise."
  Oliver just smiled as if he was high on speedster sex. "Good thing I'm not planning on dying." he said.
  "But it looks like you finally admitted that I could actually beat you in a fight." Barry teased while opening the door.
"Never. I'm just being nice because you're sleeping with me." Oliver repeated the sentence Barry used before and managed to make the speedster chuckle before he ran off. I have faith in you, Ollie. he thought while running. Because I am undoubtedly unconditionally in love with you.
  Memories of him and Oliver being completely intertwined with each other in every way possible flooded his mind until he was finally back in Central City.

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