Nightwing Remeets the Team (even if they don't realize it)

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Dick swallowed nervously. It had been a year since he had left Bruce, since he had left the team, and now he was returning.

There were various reasons for this.

1. He and Bruce had now made up
2. He missed the team
3. He missed his friends (although he had seen Wally almost every day, and he was the only one, other than Bruce or Jason, to know about his new persona)
4. He was going to get some great fun out of teasing everyone (Babs included. She didn't know either.)

After having successfully changed the name designated to his particular code on the zeta beams, Bruce came to stand beside him.
"Are you ready?" he asked
"As I'll ever be," Dick replied, taking a deep breath before stepping into the zeta beam behind his ex-mentor.

It was actually rather comforting to hear the zeta beams announce his arrival after so long, although slightly foreign to hear his new name announced instead of the title that had now been given to Jason.

Wally was the first to greet him, grinning broadly before embracing him in a hug and slapping him on the back.
"Welcome back, Dick," he whispered quietly.
"Thanks, Wall," Dick replied.

Soon, the other 4 members of the original six arrived, all of them looking at him in interest.
"Hey guys," he greeted with a small smile, "Long time, no see."
This, understandably, confused the team. They did not remember meeting Nightwing before, although they had been informed that he was joining a few days previously.

Nightwing seemed to notice their reactions as he gasped in what seemed to be mock offense, "I can't believe you guys don't recognise me! I haven't changed that much in the past year, have I, Wally?"
Wally shook his head, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips.
The team stared at the pair. What was going on? The only person they knew of that they hadn't seen for a year was Dick, the original Robin. But surely…?

Artemis studied him more carefully, taking note of the familiar messy hairstyle and facial features as everything seemed to click into place.
"Dick?" she asked quietly.
The large grin that spread across his features was all the confirmation she needed.

Her face soon mimicked his own before the rest of the team caught on, and they were soon a tangle of limbs on the floor in a massive attempt at a bear-hug.

The team was altogether again. Altogether, for once, and for all.

Dick Grayson/Nightwing - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now