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The boys that used to bully Dick have returned to Gotham Academy, but what will they think now that their favourite punch bag is taller than they are?

Dick's p.o.v

I was getting my things out of my locker, as I did every morning, when I heard my name being called.

"Oy!" Someone shouted, " where's Grayson?"

I turned to see the 3 guys who used to bully me before they left holding another guy by the collar. I walked over to them

"I'm here Harvey," I said to the so called "leader" of the gang.

He dropped the guy and he and his cronies turned towards me.

"Where, you wimp?" He growled. He obviously thought I would still be short. Well, I wasn't.

I went and stood right in front of him.

"Here." I said, darkly.

He stared at me. I bet he wasn't expecting me to be 3 inches taller.

He took one look at me and knew he was beaten. He growled at me then stomped off, his cronies following behind him. I smirked and walked back to my locker to finish packing my things. At least he wouldn't bother me anymore, but if he tried it on others, I now had the power to stop him.

Dick Grayson/Nightwing - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now