CH: 1 - Where the fuck I am right now?

Start from the beginning

I began pushing the button of my communicator, or how the heck should I call this. As I thought, nothing happened. I sighted in my frustration, and I took the direction forward. So far, I haven't really paid attention to exactly, where I ended up by this shitty tin man.

Doom Slayer: 'It looks like the shadows of the evening are falling, I should find a good place to rest a bit and wait for Samuel's call.' - this is what I thought to myself when I laid my eyes on the trees in the forest

Doom Slayer: 'This is odd, this forest is full of trees with red leaves, the red leaves completely covered the ground, it looks exactly, like when I slaughter all the demons around and nothing but their blood, and guts remain. It is as if this place embodies my soul, quiet yet full of bloodshed.' - I thought about this as I walked into the unknown.

As my admiration and curiosity grew in this forest, so did my anger too. I knew I wasn't on the normal Earth, or would I be on Earth at all?

Doom Slayer: 'What did he fucked up this time?' - I murmured this to myself 'I think it's been an hour since I got to this particular place, and still nothing from that canned asshole... I gue-' - a loud buzzing interrupted my thoughts, again. It came from my communicator, I stopped because of this, and started to listen carefully to see if I could filter his words out of scratch. Slowly, from the scratch, I began to hear Samuel Hayden.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Finally, you were able to stand in a place. It was a bit cumbersome to measure the exact coordinates, while you were walking a circle around. Luckily I was able to predict your movements approximately, after 6 minutes of trying."

Doom Slayer: 'Wait, did I only circled around in one place?' I thought this to myself, while my nerves had already hit the ceiling if there was one here. Samuel Hayden continued.

Dr Samuel Hayden: "You could also thank me for working so hard to find your predator suit signal, the portal has thrown you very far away from the point of origin... more tha-"

Doom Slayer: "WHERE THE FUCK I AM RIGHT NOW HAYDEN?" -I roared loudly, and cruelly. The trees trembled by my cracked voice. I guess, there were eons when I last let out my voice. Hayden was a little taken aback, but also chuckled.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "But Please, what's with the tone... I never thought I'd hear your voice like that... again."- he said those words with his monotone, metallic voice.

Doom Slayer: 'What did he just say... "again"?' - Samuel continued, but it was clear in his voice, that word accidentally slipped out of his mouth.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "Anyway... I'm just speculating, but I have a great suspicion about that, the defeat of Icon of Sin is responsible for this. The corps of the Icon of Sin released enough argent energy to bend the space, and so it cast you so far away from where no mankind has set foot yet... at least not earthly for sure. For my shame, I have no idea exactly which planet are you on, not even the galaxy that are you in ..." - He said that in his usual manner, but it felt so good to hear "I have no idea" from that canned asshole.

For that, I just shrugged, and with a big grin on my face, I started thinking about how many new creatures could be rip and torn apart in this unknown world.


Dr. Samuel Hayden: I see you're not too sad about the situation, but before you completely fly away in your happiness, let me say an important thing... The Demonic Crucible in The Fortress of Doom has run out of power for now... it took too much energy to keep the portal in one piece. So I can't open a portal for you and just bring you back, as you please.

Doom Slayer: 'Wait he didn't say that the Demonic Crucible contains almost infinite power?' - I thought this to myself.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I suppose you're wondering, how could have run out of something, that could contain almost infinite power. Well, I'll explain how The Demonic Crucible works later, but you better watch out, you got a lot of visitors, Slayer."

I turned around and saw a lot of black, mostly wolf and bear-like creatures, all covered with a white mask on their muzzle. Their eyes glistened Crimson in the light of the setting sun, they all growled like hyenas fighting over the rest of the carcass, creating a slightly daunting atmosphere, at least they tried.

Doom Slayer: 'Finally something to rip and tear, as long as they have guts, I can't be sad.' - I was thinking about it while I was about to reach for my super shotgun.

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I almost forget about your "mysterious packet" or how you call it. it is also connected with the power supply of The Doom Fortress, if you pull out one of your weapons, it would not even have the energy to communicate with you Slayer. So I do not recommend it to you. But I have a sneaking suspicion that you will ignore my words again."

Doom Slayer: 'I don't want to obey this tin can. But I don't have a choice, any help can be handy, especially since I'm in an unknown area. Anyway, this wouldn't be so bad as a little challenge, to fight with my bare hands' - I pulled out the Doomblade as my answer

Dr. Samuel Hayden: "I didn't think we could ever get a common denominator Slayer." - he chuckled again.


NARRATOR: Looks like The Great Doom Slayer got so much anger and hate in him, He got a bunch of Grimms on his ass, but these monsters are all dwarfed by the wrath of The Doom Slayer. Would he survive these monsters' attack?... I guess the better question is, how he will go back to Earth?




P.S: I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of my story/crossover. I am looking forward to your opinion about my writing style, and also about the story. :D

As you see in the description this is my first story in Wattpad, and also in English. Of course, if I wrote something really stupid, feel free to call me down, and correct me.

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