•◇billy loomis (smut)◇•

Start from the beginning

"Still, you're just gonna leave me for her?" I blurted out.

He stared into my eyes sympathetically. "Leave," I told him, pointing to the window, "now." "You can't take this the wrong way, Y/n." "Get out, Billy. Now." I stated, again telling him to leave.

"Fine." He said calmly, like I'd just asked him how his day was or something. "Hey, Billy?" I piped up, just as he was turning his back to leave. "Fuck you."

He didn't even turn his head, but kept walking across the room, and left the same way he came in.

~Time Skip~

It'd been two days since Billy left, with nothing but awkward eye contact and silent smiles as the gang grouped together, Sidney included.

"This is so stupid," I groaned, looking up at Tatum, who sat in the chair next to me.

"No it isn't. Billy and his penis don't deserve you." She stated. "Isn't that right, Stu?" Her blonde pigtails swayed as she turned to look at him.

Stu nodded his head, "Yeah, I mean, if I had the chance, I wouldn't just drop it-" Tatum's eyebrows knitted together as he kept talking, sighing and shaking her head at Stu's view on the situation.

"Hello, stupidity leak?" Tatum scorned, looking him over with daggers in her eyes. "What?" When she rolled her eyes, she turned back to me. "Maybe we should talk about this later, you know, without Stu?"

I nodded my head softly and we each stood up. "And about this whole Billy thing, remember, he doesn't deserve you or your gorgeous bod," she smiled. "Right," I assured her.

I led them to the front door, and they left after saying their goodbyes. I shut the door behind them and went back to where I was sitting on the couch.

I gave myself a moment of silence before picking up the remote and turning on the TV. Immediately, I was greeted with The Exorcist and Regan screaming "Fuck me!" over and over again as she penetrated herself with the cross.

I laughed a little at the scene, honestly relieved that a movie like this was showing. There's nothing I needed more than a good scary movie, especially after Billy breaking off our "relationship."

As the screen flashed to Damien's horrified face, the phone started ringing. I looked at it hesitantly, not wanting to interrupt the movie. But I mean, what harm could it do? It's probably just Tatum or Randy, since nobody else really calls.

I picked it up from the table and answered the call, pressing the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" I called, my eyes turning back to the TV.

"Hello," the voice was grudgingly deep, "who is this?" "You tell me, you're the one who called," I replied, laughing a little. It's probably Randy trying out a new impression..Freddy? Candyman, even? They're never spot on, anyways. "Randy, are you calling from work?" I asked, picking at the hem of my shirt.

"Who's Randy?" The man questioned, curiosity pushing at his voice. "Come on, Randy, did you want something? I'm trying to watch a movie." I said, only half-serious. "What movie?" "The Exorcist."

"Do you like scary movies?" He asked, but he already knew the answer. Randy and I would binge, like, every weekend. "Uh..yeah." I answered his question in confusion. "But seriously, Randy, I'm trying to watch this, did you wanna come over?"

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