"And you. You lying cheating piece of chewed gum on the base of my heel! YOU'RE DUMPED! You can kiss goodbye to your college scholarship"

Gotta hand it to her, she can be very creative with her insults.

"You can keep the scholarship whore. I'm done playing boyfriend" Quite ironic for the cheater to call her an whore.

"You're dumped! You can't play boyfriend even if you wanted to asshole!", She unleashed her wrath

"I can play boyfriend to Leah, An actual boyfriend unlike to you. She has my heart and my love, three fucking loveless years with you and all it took her was five days. Tell me Nat do you even know what love is?"

I saw Bella at a loss for words and it shocked me.

"Well you know what? I don't care! I'll have you know while you were busy cheating on me, I too was cheating on you! Who knows maybe he'll be the one I fall in love with. Unlike you I don't have to catch an express train called love to horny central!"

"Oh yeah? Last time I checked you were still hopelessly clinging onto me. Tell me Nat who's this non existent man of yours that you used to cheat on me with?"

"I uh- XAVIER RUSSO! Yes! He's the dude that owned your ass last night and out shone you on the fields"

My jaw fucking dropped. The fuck! The confidence she said it with. I-uh what the! What did I get myself into?

"As if he would date a stuck-up bitch like you. You must think all the boys are at your feet because they're utterly obssesed with you. Reality check Nat, they only give a fuck about you because you look easy, a quickie or money is all they want from a whore like you. Not a chance a dude like Xavier Russo would even bat an eye your way"

"Oh I bat more than eyes her way", I walked out of the shadows towards Bella and wrapped my arm around her tiny waist.

What the fuck am I doing? Halt! Stop this madness! Get out this while you still can. Snap out of this Xavier!

Shock was written across everyone's face, including Bella's and even a blush if I'm not hallucinating but all in all considered I probably am.

"You're dating this whore for reals?", The cheating white boy gaped at me.

"Harsh words from a fellow 'whore'. I'd keep that pretty mouth shut if I were you", The words flowed from mouth under the control of my involuntary system. Thanks to biology im able to comprehend why im doing such, such stupid things right now.

"What he said!", Bella retorted as she hugged my arm.

"Whatever, let's go babe!", the mistress pulled the cheater out of the hallway soon enough to avoid a black eye.

As soon as they were out of sight we both pushed each other away at the same time and stood at a good distance apart.

"Might want to explain yourself?" I folded my arms against my chest and arched an eyebrow at her.

"I thought the situation was pretty self explanatory", She copied my stance and stood with her arms folded against her chest.

"It doesn't explain why it had to be me", I glared at her

"Do you see me associating with any other male specimen?", she waved her hands around.

"Do you see having my eyes on you 24/7?"

"For all I know, you could be", she shrugged nonchalantly.

"I am NOT playing your boyfriend", I narrowed my eyes to slits at her.

"A little too late to say that dont ya think?", She arched her brow at me while nonchalantly picking her nail.

"I could always say you paid me to say so"

"I'll let you dump me"


"Pretend to be my boyfriend for a month and then I'll let you make up whatever story you want in order to dump me"

"Why would that interest me into doing whatever this nonsense is?"

"Really? You that thick in the head?"

"Enlighten me"

"I'm the Mayor's daughter and it isn't the slightest bit exaggeration to say I basically own this place. Imagine the power you'd have over the school, over me if you be the one to dump the mighty bitch- Natalie White?"

"I don't give a rats ass about power but having you under my finger does sound intriguing"

"So you in?", She outstretched her hand to me

"Whatever", I pushed her hand away and walked towards class.

"OMG you're cooperating with me again!", She ran to catch up and walk beside me with her arm around mine

"Ground rules Bella", I removed her hand from around mine and pinned her to a locker behind.

"You will not cling to me in any shape or format. You will not give me any sort of cringey nickname. You will-"

"No kissing either!", She blurted suddenly cutting me off, her eyes widening at her sudden outburst before a rosy tint adorned her cheeks.

I pushed myself off her and winked with a smirk before walking away.

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