Part 2- Monet's

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Winstons POV

The breeze of the wind flew through the window of my car as I rolled it down, getting a big whiff of the ocean as I drove down the road. It feels nice getting a nice blow of the fresh air in your face once in a while. Don't mind me, i'm really just taking in the freedom I have right now. 

I arrived at Monet's close to around 1:10pm, where I parked my car across the road. I opened the door and stepped out of the car, and locking it behind as I paced my way quickly across the street making sure I avoid getting hit by any vehicles or anything at all. The bell above the door let out a small ring as I pushed it open, stepping inside Monet's. I turned left and right to look for Diego. "Ay Winston!", I heard. I turned over and spotted Diego, sitting at a table for three while waving me over. 

As I reached the table I figured I would start talking, since I did have a few things to talk about anyway. "So Diego", I started, "Did you get the letter yet?". He looks at me confused, "What letter?". 

"Well, the one for college Diego" I laugh. He laughs at himself along with me, "Ohh shit, well no not yet, but I'm really really hoping for it to arrive soon. Wait what about you? Did you end up getting a letter from college?".

I sigh and begin to think about the letter that I got earlier, the one that the lady said was anonymous. 

"Well I mean, yes and no". I'll probably just tell Diego about the letter. "Well I mean I DID end up getting a letter, but I don't think it was for college. The lady that gave it to me said it was anonymous". 

Diego rose his eyebrow in curiosity, "Hm, well that's kinda weird I gotta admit. Have you read it yet?" He asks. "Well not yet, but I will this evening. I'm starting to get pretty curious about this letter" I respond.

"Hm well let's see, this letter could be anything really. Could be a pay check?" Diego assumes. 

"I'm not sure, I don't really work anywhere so I don't think I would be getting paid for anything".

Diego goes quiet and begins to think again, but quickly turning back to me with another assumption. "Maybe it's a letter from the government, maybe they are sending you a message that they want you and your perfect hacking skills to work for them" he jokes. 

I scoff in annoyance, but begin to chuckle about it not that long after, "Oh god. Well that would be creepy for one. But two, I'm not the one who tried to hack into the SAT's to cheat, I got someone else to do it for me". Diego sighs, "Oh yeah sorry I forgot". "Of course you did" I roll my eyes. 

"Wait man hold on, what if the person sending you this letter was a secret admirer of some sort?" Diego suggests once more. Even though I haven't even opened up the letter yet, my thoughts ran wildly through all of the things that could be inside. I was beginning to get overly excited to see what was inside that letter. Not long later I instantly came out of my small day dream as Diego snapped his figures in my face "Winston are you still with me or what?". 

How rude of me, I think to myself. "Shit sorry. I was just thinking about that letter". Just before we could get a chance to chat again, the door to the small cafe opens once again ringing the small bell above it. Diego and I turn towards the direction of the door, only to see Clay walking in with another girl that none of us really knew very well, but I'm pretty sure I saw Clay talk with her at the graduation earlier today. 

Me and Diego turn back to each other as a waitress brings over a couple of coffee's to our table. "If you don't mind I got us some coffee's just in case" Diego says to me. "Yeah it's not a problem thank you" I smile. 

Diego then looks at me curiously, "Soooo about that letter". 

"Ah yes, well, the only think I know about the letter so far is that it's anonymous. Or that's what the mail lady said. But once I get home I'm going to read it"

Suddenly Diego stands up says with excitement, "Well then! You better get home and read that letter and tell me about it alright? I'm getting to anxious to know so get yourself back home alright?". 

"But what about our meet up? We barely got to talk???" I never usually see Diego this excited so maybe I should just go home and read the letter. "No no don't worry about it" Diego says while walking me out the door, "I'll catch up with you tomorrow, let's meet here same time same place alright?". "Ok ok alrighty" I laughed as I started walking across the street to my car. 

"And Winston you better tell me about that letter tomorrow!!!" Diego yells at me one last time before getting into his car. I yell back at him "OKAY OKAY OH MY GOD!". God damn he's bossy. Diego honks at me one last time before disappearing around the street corner with his car. I sigh to myself before hopping into my own car, and beginning to drive home. 

15 minutes later 

I slam the front door to my house open. I hang my car keys up onto the coat hanger where I also hung my coat. The letter is all I can think about now, what the hell is inside it and who is it from? What is the letter? I've been asking myself this all day so far. Could it be a pay check for my parents that was accidentally sent to me? No there's no way, the letter would have a company logo on it and also my parents would have to get access to my account if they wanted to send something to me. I guess that's off the list of possibilities. And yeah no, the government would never send me a letter. So that's also off the list. But a secret admirer letter? That's the most accurate answer I have so far.

I spin around to shut the front door behind me. But I notice a couple of things as I'm doing this action. 

1. My socks are extremely slippery right now.

And 2. There's someone in my car.

My eyes squint towards the figure that sat in the passenger seat of my car as I'm questioning myself. Am I seeing things? I slowly walked back outside the door and close it behind me. I step a little bit closer to my car to see if there really is someone in the passenger seat, and as I stepped closer, the figure began to seem even more clear. 

There was a guy inside my car. I couldn't make out who it was, but I was pissed. 

I angrily walked over to the passenger door and slammed my hand on the window in anger. I yelled loudly, "Hey! Get the fuck out of my- 

I gasp in horror. I back up away from my car as my eyes widened with shock. There's no way... I... I have to be seeing things. No wait... I AM seeing things right??? He smiled at me, he smiled just like how I remembered him smiling. My legs suddenly gave out, causing me to fall to the ground. I quickly closed my eyes telling myself that this isn't real, that I was to terrified to face my hallucination right now at this moment. I opened my eyes again and got back onto my feet, scared to look into the passenger window. But my curious eyes decided to take one last peak before I made my way inside.

And well, he was gone. 

Monty was gone.  

AN: Things are getting interesting over here at Winston's house... what will happen next? Hey guys I will try to start updating more because I'm actually getting pretty excited about this story to see what's going to happen next. I have everything all planned out now and I have a good idea to where the story will lead to. And I can confirm school WILL slow me down sadly :( but I will try my best! Hope you all enjoy the story so far :) 

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