Part 1- After the grad ceremony

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AN: Just a reminder to read the description before you read the story 😊

Winston's POV

"I can't believe we are finally out of high school" Diego spoke happily as he skipped jokingly towards his car,  "Jesus I feel like I'm finally free from all this shit".

I grinned widely noticing how happy everyone was to be leaving school, it never surprised me in anyway either. It basically means no more stress, no more homework, but also no more extreme drama. "You have no idea how happy I am Diego" I finally spoke. Estella ran up to us with excitement, "Guys I have great news, Jessica is allowing me to take over H.O!". "Damn Estella thats great! I'm proud of you".

After a few more minutes of the three of us just talking, Estella had to go home as lunch was approaching and her mother needed her home. Which left me and Diego in the parking lot.

"Hey man so do you want to meet a Monet's after school?" Diego asks me while leaning on his car. 

I nodded "Yeah I'm down, I'll see you at about 1 then?". Diego opened his car door and hopped in before rolling down his window and saying "See you at 1 Winston". After that he then drove off. I sighed and slowly walked over to my car, taking one last look at the high school before hopping in my car and driving away.

Today I just graduated from liberty high school. Finally, after this past year of torture, stress, drama, and whatever else bothered me, all left behind me. To be honest this past year has been completely insane for me, probably the craziest year Ive ever had in my life so far. There were a few people from liberty I knew that had died this year, it's very sad to think of how so many young people could die so quickly, none of them deserved to have a fate like that. People like Justin Foley, Bryce Walker, and... well, I-I didn't know Bryce to well, but I was told about him a couple of times after his death, some told me he was a rapist, some told me he was trying to change. I knew Justin Foley a little, we barely talked since he never seemed to like me at all, I don't blame him though. He was a good guy, he seemed to be very loving and caring towards Jessica Davis, I'm pretty sure they must have loved each other very much. I saw them dance together at prom, the way they looked at each other, they must have been in love. Jessica must be torn after loosing Justin, I wouldn't blame her if she was... I know how she feels.

There was another boy who died this year... and I knew him better then anyone else during the time he was alive. I only knew this boy for about a few weeks, but it felt like I've known him forever in a way. He was always very open towards me, calm, sweet, loyal, I knew him. The REAL him. I knew him in a way nobody else did. Everyone else other then me, saw a violent, rage filled, homophobic guy that just plowed over or insulted anyone who got in his way, no one gave him any chances. 

In my eyes, I saw a boy who was severely broken, fear inside him, who spent his days at home protecting his family from his homophobic, abusive bitch of a dad. The boy hid behind a mask, he built up walls more then hundreds of feet tall, all to hide from his true self, the part of him he refused to show to anyone. The only time this boy let his walls down was when he was with me. I let him talk and I listened, I never judged him, I never beat him, I never called him homophobic slurs, that's what he expected from people if he ever showed his true self around others. But he knew I would never do that, because I loved him, we loved each other. 

Montgomery de la Cruz... was his name. 

But he's better known as Monty. 

I drove another five minutes before reaching the large house at the end of the block, parking my car perfectly in the driveway. I grabbed my keys and began to walk towards my parents mansion, making sure that the car was locked first of course, I wouldn't want anyone breaking into my car. Fiddling with my keys to find the right one, i found it and fit it in the small lock on the door. With a little force, I opened the door happily, I quickly closed it behind me before walking over to my living room and collapsing on this big, grey couch. I let out a small sigh before feeling myself begin to drift away to sleep, I was completely exhausted. My eyes closed and my vision went dark.

Finding my way to you (Wonty fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu