"Yes." He smiled. "Sit down." I sat down. "Tatiana right?" I nodded. "I read that screenplay you sent me. I normally don't but you've really impressed me during your time here." He laughed. "You're clearly a hard worker and have shown you're serious. That screenplay was impressive. I'd love to produce it, but can I make a suggestion?"

"Sure." I leaned forward.

"Shoot it as a short film first." He said. "Produce it yourself, I'll be on the side to assist. But do it yourself, show others what you can do. Then build some momentum. Get a fan following and then we'll give them the full feature."

"You want me to self produce my screenplay as a short film?" He nodded. "Where do I begin?"

"Cut the original down to a short film. Then come see me." He stood up. "I was like you once. Passionate and ready to take on the world."

"What did you do?"

"Got a job working with big-name producers." He smiled. "Then one of them gave me an opportunity to showcase my work. Now? I own my own production company. I look forward to seeing what you come up with here, Medeiros." He patted me on the back. "You've got potential."

I left his office and looked down at my call.

Missed Call Leila

I sighed. 

January 2016

Leila's POV:

I landed in Miami and went to Tatiana's. Her dad answered. "Leila?" He looked around. "What are you doing here?"

"I"m here to see Tatiana."

"She's not here." He said. "She came home for Christmas then went to Los Angeles." He said. "She's working on some project out there." He shrugged. "Can't tell me much though. She hasn't talked to you?"

I looked down. "Not since November."

He nodded. "Come on in. I was just about to eat. Join me. We'll talk." He went into the house.

"Mr. Medeiros," I said. "I don't want to interrupt."

"A friend of my daughters is always welcome in my home. Even when my daughter isn't here." He said. "Now come eat. I made too much anyway."

We sat and ate in silence. "What happened last?" He asked. "When you talked to her?"

"Well, she was in Barcelona scouting locations." I told him about rushing to meet my friends.

"And Mariona is?"

"My girlfriend." I said. "For a while now." I smiled. "My friends have been asking to meet Tatiana since I first met her. I speak very highly of her, she's a great woman." 

"I wish I could take the credit but that's all her mother." He said. "She's so much like her." I smiled. "I don't think Tatiana acted the way she did because of the flight." He said. "I think that was part of the reason but I think she was mainly affected by Mariona." 

"Why would she be upset about Mariona? She was nice to her when she showed up."

"My daughter will never be disrespectful to anyone." He said. "When she was in 4th grade, a kid was bullying her for her accent." He said. "And no matter what that girl said or did to her, Tatiana was nothing but nice. Which angered the girl. But Tatiana would NEVER be disrespectful to someone. No matter how they treat her."


"Kill them with kindness. Never stoop to their level. Don't throw away something in your life for the sake of getting back at someone."

"Still doesn't explain why she was upset about Mariona? She barely knows her."

His phone rang. "Excuse me." He got up. "It's her. Hello, my child." He smiled. "I'm actually here with Leila. She flew in to see you, but you're not here. Yeah, we were just talking about you." He said. Then they started speaking Portuguese and he left the room.

February 2017

Tatiana's POV:

My short film was almost done. We wrapped filming a few weeks ago and were now in the early stages of editing. 

I was back at Harvard while editing the short film and finishing up my classes. 

I was scrolling through Instagram. 

Leila posted about being champions of some tournament. She was celebrating in the picture. I looked it up.

Spain won the Algarve Cup. And Leila scored the winning goal.

Her first for her country.

I liked the post and then texted her.

Just saw your post. Congratulations champion. Pass my message to your friends. Told you. You would be a star one day, and today is that day. 

Leila's POV:

I read the text. "What's that?" Mariona looked.

"A message from Taitana." I smiled. "Congratulating all of us on the win."

"That's nice of her."

"She is a nice person." I said. 

"I'm not trying to fight with you." She said. "Vir sent me some articles about her and I just don't want you to get hurt. None of us do."

"I'm gonna be 24 years old." I said. "I can look out for myself." I said. "But I appreciate all of you looking out. The media, however, spreads lies about Tatiana. She's not like that. She's not a party animal or a womanizer like they write."

"You know the real her?"

"Yes. And if she's ever back in Spain, I'd like for all of you to get to know the real her too." 

"If she comes back to Spain." Alexia said. "She really doesn't even talk to you. That text is the first one since when? November? I think we know all we need to about Tatiana Medeiros." 

No, you don't.

You don't know anything.

The Star (Leila Ouahabi)Where stories live. Discover now