3. Improvement: Realization

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"Ahh, there you are!" Your father gestured you to enter the dining room with a soft smile of anticipation on his face. You couldn't help the small flash of guilt that shot through your heart, triggered by his enthusiasm that you just couldn't seem to share.

In the back of the room, standing next to the table already filled with food, was the man that you instantly recognized as the young master of the winery, Diluc Ragnvindr. Not only did your fathers descriptions do him more than justice, it were the poise and authority that he exuded which erased any doubt about his identity. He stood firm, without any hint of nervousness or discomfort in his body language. After just the split second you had seen him, you already started to admire him.

"Father, Master Diluc." Politely as always, you entered. With steps as confident as you could muster, you walked towards the red-haired young man. Your father introduced you as his daughter, with a hint of pride in his voice that you were actually surprised to hear.

Diluc took a step forward to meet you halfway through the room. "It's nice to finally meet you," he said with a kind smile. "Please take a seat."

"Thank you." You were glad he had taken the decision of where to take a seat from you by pulling back a chair. It was right next to the head of the table, where he supposedly would sit.

The table was already filled with mouth-watering appetizers, making you realize just how starved you were from the day.

"I had Adelinde search out the finest Mondstadt specialties in honor of your visit," Diluc explained. "Please, help yourselves."

"You are too kind. Thank you for the generosity." You did wait for the men on the table to start reaching for their food in order to not seem greedy, but the tastiness of the dishes soon made you throw all caution out of the window. Mondstadt was beginning to be more and more to your liking.

"Indeed, thank you also very much for letting us stay here. This place brings back old memories of my childhood," your father stated.

Diluc nodded at him knowingly. "I'm glad you are enjoying your stay."

"I must say, Crepus did a fine job in raising you, young master. The place is a well running as always, you really seem to have inherited his hand for business!" Just like you knew him, he started reminiscing in the past. "Even though when he was your age, he was far from as capable as you are."

"He was?" slightly surprised, Diluc raises his eyebrows, and your father continued sharing stories from long ago.

"Yes, indeed, he was more interested in other things..."

The dinner proceeded without any incident, mostly it was your father making conversation about old times while you concentrated on eating. You didn't mind one bit.

"... just thinking about how happy he must be, knowing that our families will merge soon!" he ended, joyfully clapping his hands - apparently he had had a bit too much wine and was now overly enthusiastic. You blushed at his statement and looked down at your empty plate.

Diluc, as well, seem to be a bit flustered by the sudden turn the conversation had taken. "Please, sir. I already asked you to give me more time concerning this matter."

He didn't look at you, probably not wanting to insult you, but your father did with a knowing smile. He had assured you that once Diluc got to know you, the marriage agreement would be finalized.

"Ahh, the business opportunities! Speaking if those, I still have to arrange a meeting with a certain merchant... "

Thankfully he did have a decent amount of delicacy of feeling and immediately realized that the mood had shifted. With probably another goal in mind as well - to have the two of you alone - and having finished his food quite some time ago, your father took the opportunity to excuse himself from the dinner table. In a slight hurry, he left the room, successfully leaving you behind with your husband-to-be. You felt stranded - after a few seconds of awkward silence, you finally decided to talk to him for the first time - you didn't count your introduction.

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