1. Arrival: Brisk Air

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The colours of the landscape were different. The green seemed to exude a much higher saturation, a briskness you were unused to, a habitat that harboured so much life. You couldn't stop looking out of the window, gazing in amazement. The air carried a different smell too. For the first time in years you consciously took a deep breath to fill your lungs with the essence of something new. Something fresh. There were trees, fields and cliffs surrounding you, yet the land itself seemed open and friendly – inviting you to come out of your shell and to explore it.

And you decided that you would try to like it.

"You're smiling." Surprised by the sudden interruption of silence, you tore your gaze from the nature outside and faced your father. And the corners of your mouth fell as you realised that he was right. As soon as you were conscious of it, the smile felt heavy and unnatural again. But you nodded.

"I like the air here," you answered the unspoken question. "It smells different that back home. Less heavy, somehow."

Your father replied to your statement with such a beaming, happy expression, that you couldn't help but pick your own smile back up.

"It's just the way I remember it. Mondstadt really hasn't changed in the last decades. I'm glad to be back," he said, then put his hand over yours. "You're going to like it here, I'm sure of it."

"Yes," you replied in assurance – although targeting yourself more than your father. A positive outlook was what you desperately needed, what you tried your hardest to maintain. Here, in your new home. In Mondstadt.

The City of Freedom.

For any other, the irony of the situation would have elicited a bitter laugh, but not for you. In contrary, to you, what was coming was freedom. Freedom of mind, at least. As free as it was possible to you.

After the carriage had taken another turn around one of the cliffs, your father leaned out a bit and pointed forward into the distance. "Look, sweetie, you can already see the estate from here!"

Curiously, you followed his motion. A big lake lay in front of you, the carriage moving along the side of it, and true to his word, behind it you could make out a huge mansion with red roofing.

The closer you got, the more you marvelled at the beauty of the land. Grape vines to your left and right fenced in the path, leading the carriage up to the plaza in front of the estate. The grape's were close enough for you to see their bright colour; you had to resist the temptation of reaching out and grabbing one of the fruits as the horses finally slowed down. You saw a sign, indicating you that you had indeed arrived at your destination. The Dawn Winery. Just as you had passed it, the carriage proceeded to stop, ending your long-lasting journey.

Full of excitement, your father didn't hesitate a second to swing open the door and exit the vehicle. You heard him exclaiming how much he had missed this place. Elzer - that was what he called the older man awaiting you - greeted him like a old friend. Which was, you decided after a short moment of thought, surely the case. In contrary to him, you were quiet; like on cat's paws you followed him outside. Almost timidly you looked around. Left out by the conversation of the two men, you were a bystander, which gave you enough time to scan your surroundings. After all, you were a stranger to this place and everyone inhabiting it. That was an undeniable fact. It was quite the distance from the world you knew, you had run far away from home.

Finally, Elzer addressed you, and you were forced to turn your attention back to the two men.

"And this young miss?" he asked while facing you. Your father introduced you to Elzer with a hint of pride. Just like you had been taught, you responded politely.

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