January 28th

49 2 0

Well today is beginning to turn out horrible...

My friend told the principle that I swore at someone and I took her iPad and send crap to the person.. When I was sitting right next to the person she was sending the emails too! But the teacher believed me and not her, because hailey lies ALOT! And he knows that I would of told him the truth right away. I almost got suspended 😬

But now hailey is saying that she didn't which I'm not going to believe her because she lies also to ME all the time too. And she also just texted me saying that it's my fault that she likes Brock which is her EX and she is dating my EX right now. Because she told brick she still liked him yesterday and now evan is mad and saying her doesn't like her anymore✌️

But whatever where ever she goes she makes drama it's her fault..

And also I'm really sorry I don't post every day):

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