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Hey guys, well today me and my language arts teacher got in an argument because I was just about to turn my iPad off suddenly she came to turn off my iPad and take it away. Next thing I knew I snatched it away from her saying "i'm just about to turn it off". Then she told me get onto page 1. But I didn't notice that I went to page I so she yelled at me in front of the class,so got mad at her. Because she knows that I don't like to be called out in front of everybody in the class. After that I told her I know do you think I'm an idiot. She told me no I don't think you're an idiot I never said that. Then I said well it feels like you are. Then she told me to go take a break outside I said no I don't need one right now. Then she started to get mad at me because I wouldn't listen to her she said it three more times I also said no then she got really mad she told me to go to the office because I making too much noise in front of the class and they're all focusing on us. I said no I'll just go outside and take a break she kept on arguing with me saying I have to go to the office but I still didn't I just went outside and sat on the bench.she made me sit out there for the rest of the class period Doing nothing. So it's not my falt if I don't get all my work done. After that I started to have other arguing issues with the other teachers, but it's not my fall I can't control my attitude when they make me so mad I just want to punch them in the throat not to be violent or anything. Today I started talking to the new girl name Sam she's not a really good influence on me but she seems pretty cool to her friends so that's good. I asked her I told her that I really liked her tongue piercing my mom has one. She told me that if I wanted she could do my tongue if I wanted her to. I said okay I think that they are really cool. At the end of the day I had science and today was actually pretty fun we got to go to the gym and do some heart rate experiments. my partner is where Abby, Darienne💍, Trent, Aiden. Yeah I know everybody hates Aiden I feel bad for him, because everybody makes fun of him and I want to do something but... I feel like people make fun of me for standing up for him. Well that pretty much sums up my day except for right now that I'm in my bed watching the lion King and to be honest I love the movie! Well that's it bye hope. And don't forget make sure to add this to your reading list if you haven't already. Oh and don't forget to STAR IT BYE🎭

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