Skater Girl and Surfer Boy

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Premise: You skate, he surfs. What happens when you try to switch?

JJ x Reader (established relationship, y'all are already together)

Warnings: (it's not even really a warning) mention of parental death for literally 2 seconds

(***** means time skip)

"Come on (Y/N)!" JJ whined, dragging out the last syllable of your name

"No JJ, I told you. I'm perfectly content with my board" You sighed, this was the fourth time in the past week that JJ had been trying to convince you to let him teach you how to surf

"You're not the least bit curious about what we do all day in the water?" JJ questions

"Are you forgetting the fact that I sit there and watch you guys? I know what you do. I just prefer 'land surfing'" You laughed at the alternate name you came up with

"I know you did not just say that. Now you have to come 'water surf' with us" JJ groaned at your corniness

"Okay, you know what? I'll try your surfing today but you have to let me teach you how to skate tomorrow" You smirked knowing JJ hated your skateboard. He's had to patch you up more than a few times from various spills off your board.

"Fine" JJ flashed his infamous smile that screams 'haha I got my way'

"After all these years of begging you to skate with me, all I had to do was agree to try surfing?" You scoffed, crossing your arms

"Pretty much babe" He gave you a quick peck on the cheek before unstrapping the surfboard from the top of the van

"I'm definitely going to regret this" You laughed as he dragged you down towards the water like a little kid at Disney World

"Okay so really it's not that different than skating once you get up. You just have the added step of going from laying on the board to standing" JJ started to explain, laying the surfboard on the sand

So you watched as JJ got on the board and pretended to paddle, walking you through all the steps until he got standing. "So you see a wave coming behind you and you have to time it so you're standing up by the time the wave reaches the highest point before it curls over. And then it's all about balance" He explains like it was as easy as walking

So JJ had you run through the motions a few times on the sand before he took you about 3 feet into the water, "Okay so before we actually try surfing, I want you to just sit on the board and get a sense of the way waves feel"

"JJ, I've been swimming. I know how waves feel" You rolled your eyes at your idiot boyfriend

"Okay, fine. If you think you've got it, I see a good wave coming in. Why don't you try it" JJ smirked, crossing his arms knowing there was no way of convincing your stubborn ass to do it his way. He was lucky you listened and watched for as long as you did.

So you set up for the wave, glancing over your shoulder to watch for the right time to start paddling and you thought you did everything right, only to unceremoniously tumble off the board into the water. You came up for air sputtering, only to be faced with your boyfriend gasping for air because he was laughing so hard

"You're so mean to me" You fake pouted, turning back towards the surfboard

"Oh come on baby, I told you that we should've starting just sitting on the board" JJ comes up behind you, resting his chin on your shoulder with his hands finding their way to your hips

"Fine, we'll do it your way" You sighed, letting JJ show you how to actually be successful

By the end of the day, as the sun started disappearing behind the horizon, you had managed to catch a few small waves. Currently, you were watching JJ from shore, since he wanted to get a few more waves in before the sun had completely set. As he finished up for the night, lazily dragging his surfboard behind him, you couldn't help but think about how lucky you are to have him. He was so kind, so sweet, he would go out of his way to make you laugh and most importantly, you were there for each other-- there was always one of you sitting on the bathroom counter as the other disinfected wounds whether they be from Luke/fighting, or from skate accidents. As much as you hated seeing him hurt, you loved those soft tender moments where it was just you and him and nothing else mattered.

Stars//JJ Maybank One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now