He cares

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I'm so sorry everyone I haven't really posted on here in a while. I kind of started to give up on them because my stress of doing homework and online classes and what's going on in the world right now. But if a lot of you want this story to continue I'll try my best. Just please be patient with me.

I woke up on the bed in the cellar as I sighed. When will I learn not to trust him, why am I even keeping it a secret what he's doing to me?! I could just go to the police, he wouldn't be able to hurt me if I'm by them. The only downside is that if I tell the police and Levi happens to escape....then my life is over. Should I risk it and go to the police?

I noticed the handcuffs and gag was off me, he must've took it off after I fell asleep. I sighed again and rolled over to my side, seeing a note on the other side of the bed. I sighed and read it.

Eren, if you're reading this you've obviously woken up, don't worry I'm not home yet. I un cuffed you, this got more out of hand then I realized. Go back home Eren or stay here. I'll be back at around 4:00, after school ends. I would've woke you up but I know you don't care for school anyway. You have two choices, go home or stay here and we'll talk.

"Huh?" I say out loud as I then started to laugh at the note.

"'Talk?!' More like raping me again!" I air quoted. I then sighed and started to think, maybe he truly is sorry, maybe he actually wants to talk. I sighed thinking about my options, I wanted to run home and I would tell Mikasa, go to the police and get him in trouble and make him go to jail. I shouldn't be covering for him. Or should I stay here and talk with him and sort everything out and find out why he's doing this to me.

I paced back and forth. What to do, what to do? I started to think about everything that has happened. The pain, the apologizing. The eye color. I was so confused. Eventually I found out what I should do. I decided to in a way do both. I would hide in the wardrobe he has here. That way he thinks I left. And if I want to I can secretly leave. Or I can leave the wardrobe and talk with him. Though should I do that? I looked at the time, 4:00. I heard the door open upstairs, there was no time to decide as I quickly hid in the wardrobe. Though one thing I started to regret as I realized. Maybe I should've left. Think about it. When I was first down here it was empty. Now he added a bed and wardrobe. I started to think about all the times he said he would let anyone have me and I was his. WAS HE PLANNING TO KEEP ME LOCKED DOWN HERE?! My thoughts started to go crazy. Why else would he be putting a bed and wardrobe in here? I felt my stomach turn as my heart started to race as I heard the cellar door open and footsteps come down.

"Eren?" I heard Levi say as the footsteps stopped. I could barley breathe.

I sighed. He wasn't down here. Of course what did I expect. For him to actually want to face me again after all I've done? Of course he would run off. I want this to end. I'm glad he hasn't told anyone but maybe he should. I need this to end. I don't want to do this to him. "He went home then." I said as I looked around. Suddenly I got a call from Mikasa.
"Levi Ackerman here." I spoke.
She was panicking saying that Eren has not returned home yet. I panicked more.
"What?! What do you mean he didn't return home?!"
She started to worry more. I had to tell her. I told her that he wasn't at school today either. That panicked her more. She asked me when did I see him last. I couldn't tell her he was with me.
"The last time I saw him was when you dropped him off for tutoring and then he went home." I lied. She thanked me and hung up the phone. I felt more terrified and terrible. He ran away. He ran away because of me.

I almost screamed in fright as I heard his phone go off. It was Mikasa. Why did he have her number? Oh yeah, she gave it to him. I heard them talk. This was good right? Now he thinks I'm gone. But do I want that? I don't know anymore. I watched through the space in the wardrobe as I saw Levi worried. Was he? Actually worried for me? Of course not! He's just worried about getting caught. And that's exactly what's going to happen. I watched as Levi got more and more upset.
"God dammit!" Levi yelled in anger. "This is all your fault!" He yelled as he threw his phone at the wall as it surprisingly didn't break.
I stayed still, frozen in fear. It is your fault Levi. I thought in my head.
"Why can't you just leave me alone." Levi weakly pleases as he sunk to the floor.
What? I thought.
After a few minutes, Levi sighed as he went up the stairs and left. I was frozen, not knowing what to do. Should I leave? Or should I check on him? I didn't know what to do anymore. What can I do? Yes he's hurt me and raped me and is trying to keep be trapped down here and keep me away from everyone. But, then he apologizes, why? Saying "sorry" doesn't always fix everything especially this.

I wanted to go out and talk him him but then I realized something. If I do leave and talk to him. What if he takes me? Everyone thinks I'm missing, this would be the perfect time for him to take me and lock me down here. I don't want to stay down here forever. My thoughts were too shaken up. I wanted to stay in this wardrobe forever. And that's just what I plan to do.

After about thirty minutes passed, my plans quickly changed. I had to go to the bathroom. I was worried not knowing what to do. Should I risk it, go upstairs and use the bathroom, or should I remain hidden? Suddenly I heard a door upstairs open and closed. I had to take the risk and hope that was him leaving. I quickly sprinted up the steps and into the main house. He was gone, or so it looked like. My body was much more relaxed as I then started to look for the bathroom. His house was nice, I didn't get to see anything but the kitchen and living room. The house interior gave a nice warm feel to it.

I was too worried for Eren. Mikasa couldn't know that he actually stayed with me before he disappeared. I was a suspect. She was going to call the cops to try and look for him. I know it was stupid but I offered to help. I brought some things and left the house. After a few minutes away, I realized that I had forgotten something as I came back home. I opened my door.

I finally found the bathroom as I went and then left. I knew I should go, but I couldn't help to admire the house. I looked all around before something stopped me in my tracks.

"Eren?" Levi spoke. My body froze as I slowly turned around and saw Levi, at the door, staring at me with wide eyes as he held his car keys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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