"Voice, my dear listener!" Hizashi began, pouring Shinsou's scrambled egg onto the second plate sitting on the counter. "Technically, I can do a lot of things with a power like that but, primarily, I stick to the function I discovered first.. Screaming, until my opponents ears bleed from the volumes I put out." He finished, setting the scrambled eggs down on the coffee table, for Shinsou; He seemed to tail the explanation with a quiet nervous chuckle, and a light rubbing at his throat, but the motion was rather subtle. Almost like they didn't want Shinsou noticing, at all. "Also uh- Don't jump on the furniture kiddo, I wouldn't want you to fall and hurt yourself." He added Shinsou looked at his feet and chuckled, "Sorry," He sat down grabbing his plate. "I love quirks that are better than mine." He smiles before eating his breakfast. Joining them on the couch, Hizashi began to eat his own breakfast; Though he paused upon the small, and rather odd, explanation from the boy. His brows furrowing, and his expression dipping Into a frown, as he carefully lowered his fork back onto his plate. "What.. Makes ya think anyone's powers better than yours, kiddo?" He questioned, gently; genuinely concerned, but wanting to be cautious, so that they didn't upset the kid. "Well...My foster family thinks my quirk fits for a villain even kids at my old school thought about the same cause of one mistake..." He began to tear up and stop eating, "I didn't mean to hurt the girl...my quirk acts randomly..." Gently frowning upon such a response, Hizashi carefully placed their own food upon the coffee table, and offered Shinsou a set of open arms; A clear Indication, that they'd give the boy a hug, If they thought It may help them. Shinsou hugs Hizashi back, tears falling down his cheek. "Hey.. You didn't mean for that to happen, Shinsou." Hizashi began gently, offering them a weak smile, of a similar tone. "Like I said, with quirks, we sometimes have accidents or make mistakes, before we were taught to control them; Even heros, aren't perfect or masters of their quirks.. We've got a lot to learn at first too." Hugging the boy close to their torso, Hizashi frowned lightly, though was quick to flick on a weakly positive expression again, should Shinsou look up at him, rubbing soothing circles Into the child's back gently. "B-But what if I can't control it at all and never be a hero.." He mumbles laying his head on the other's chest. "Ah come now kiddo, don't think like that; Sure, controlling your own quirk can seem impossible sometimes but.. All It takes Is a helping hand, and some patience, Shinsou.." He encouraged them, smiling again. "I'll do my best to help you gain that control, okay?" Shinsou gave them a warm smile and nodded, "O-Okay." He wiped his tears off his face. He felt his hope rise up, he lifted his pinky. "Promise...?" Returning their warm smile, Hizashi rose up a pinky of his own, and happily looped It against Shinsou. "Promise." He replied. Shinsou unlooped his pinky, "Don't break our promise." He said with a serious look before poking Hizashi's side. Hizashi gave a smile; chuckling gently, as the kid poked his side with a serious look. "Ay, I keep to mine; I swear It." He playfully huffed. Though he didn't allow the thought to distract them, for possibly longer than a second, Hizashi knew he could only try his best with such words; The future of a hero was never certain, and no events were written In stone. He knew the possibility of not returning was something they faced everytime they walked Into a fight, but Hizashi would try his best; They'd fight twice as hard If they had to, If that extra effort meant they could return to see Shinsou smile, and grow confident In themselves. And then, he exhaled weakly; He was already becoming a dad, wasn't he?- The boy smiled happily loving the affection and love that Hizashi was giving, just like a father would do for his son. Even though he never experienced what having a father was like; if this is how it is. He doesn't want anything and anyone to change that relationship between them. The one thing he'll get annoyed about is them, leaving for work. Shinsou looked back at his breakfast noticing his food was gone, He turned his head to Goose seeing him chewing. "Hey! That was mine." He pouted. He turned to resume his own meal, once their hug fully broke, only to notice he was gone as well. Turning his attention to Goose, with a light glare. Sighing, as the cat noticed they'd been caught and then ran off while still chewing. "Sorry 'bout that kiddo. My bad, I should have fed him first.." Hizashi apologized with a weak smile, and patted their Indigo head of hair. "But, how about I make us some pancakes for a second breakfast, when we get back from the store?" He offered. Shinsou ignored Hizashi words and chased the cat down, "I snuck you a snack in your cat bowl last night!" He hissed, Last night Goose woke him up and wouldn't stop bothering him till he gave goose a bowl of catnip. With their words being Ignored, and Shinsou chasing down the cat, Hizashi sighed and stood from the couch; collecting their now empty dishes, and heading over to the kitchen, to at least rest them In the sink so they could be washed later. Blinking and glancing toward the direction both the boy, and the cat ran off too, while heading Into his room. "What did you give him?" He questioned. Hearing him while keeping his focus on the cat, "I gave him a bag of catnip!" He panted heavily, "I told him if I give him the whole bag he won't bother me." He said crossing his arms. For a moment, Hizashi was silent, pausing In the middle of changing his shirt behind the closed bedroom door; Than he was giggling slightly, whilst sliding himself Into a new outfit. Exiting the bed room, when he was finished changing. Now wearing a pair of jeans, a pale t-shirt, and a red half sleeved flannel; His now curling golden-blond hair, put Into Its usual off duty style, of being half up and half down. The same pair of red frames, resting on his nose. "That explains some of his behaviour this morning then," Hizashi laughed gently, walking In after the two, and scooping up the feline Shinsou struggled to catch; Setting the cat on the cool tiled floor of the bathroom, and then closing the door, before they could run out. "Catnip Is not a food, kiddo." Shinsou eyes widened at the information, "It's not? Why is it called Catnip then?" He tilt his head in confusion? He thought it was a snack for cats but he wouldn't know since he can barely read what was on the box. Shaking their heads gently, Hizashi walked back out to the kitchen, to pull another first aid kit from a top drawer. Though, paused after sitting on the couch, and chewed on his lips slightly. How was he supposed to explain this to a kid?- "Uh well- It's.. It's more like an herb, or I guess some could call It a seasoning?" He began, patting the cushion next to him, as they talked. "But, generally; It's a plant that either makes cats really calm, or really hyper. Goose Is kinda weird, and gets really hungry on the stuff. So that's probably why he stole our breakfast.." Hizashi explained with a weak smile. "There are treats and toys, made with catnip though!" He added, thinking that maybe one of those things, may have been Shinsou's original contributor to such a thought. With a confused look on his face, Shinsou tried to put all of that in his head, "So...The cat is like someone who gets crazy from smoking?" He asked the details that reminded him of his foster father. Turning their attention over to Shinsou, the man's brows seemed to furrow with deep concern, concern turned to chewing his lip with unease; they gave a light shrug, as they unzipped the first aid kit they'd grabbed from the kitchen. "I.. I suppose?" He muttered, but hurriedly tugged a weak smile. "B- But don't worry; Catnip can't hurt Goose, or us, and the effects aren't long term or anything. He'll probably just get the 'zoomies' while we aren't home!"

He assured them gently, hoping to quell any worry the boy may have had, now that they knew the truth.. Sort of. But honestly, the fact that Shinsou already kind of knew what some drug side-effects were or looked like, was really worrying...Shinsou focused more on Hizashi's facial expression wondering if what he said made him worried. "Wait we're going out?" He questioned, wondering where they were going. Upon the boy's new question, Hizashi seemed more than happy to switch topics of conversation; Smiling and giving a small nod, as they pulled some cotton pads and more gauze from the first aid kit. "Yeah! Figured you could use some new clothes, and I needed to pick up more groceries for the week." He replied happily, though seemed to slow his energy with a light frown. "Or.. Did you wanna stay here?" He questioned. They'd understand, If Shinsou preferred the safety of the apartment walls, as opposed to going outside right now, since technically and by law.. The boy should still have been with his foster family, whom they were obviously scared of. Hizashi would have to Investigate their misdeeds, when he got the chance. After hearing his words, Shinsou was quick to let out his tears without no hesitation. "No! Don't leave me alone!" He hugged onto his leg crying. He would rather be comfortable if he was always with the older man, or know that he's in the same building with him. Stiffening up slightly, the man was quick to set everything In his hands, down carefully on the coffee-table; Gently lifting Shinsou, hugging the boy close to his chest, and softly shushing them while running a hand over their hair. "Hey.. Hey, It's okay.. It's okay kiddo. I won't leave you alone, If that's not what you want; I'm here for you, and I'll protect you.. Okay?" He whispered softly, gently smiling at them. Wiping his tears away, Shinsou hiccup quietly trying to stop crying, "O-Okay." He said hugging the man back. He held his shirt tightly feeling his anxiety rising up. With Shinsou gripping his shirt so taut, their expression easily turned to a frown, while the boy wasn't looking; their arms being ever so delicate, as they hugged Shinsou closer to themselves. "Everything's gonna be okay kiddo, I'll make sure of that.." He whispered softly. He then drew a deep breath, and began to hum a gentle tune, hoping that may help calm Shinsou down. The boy's grip becomes weak as he rests his head on Hizashi's chest, his heartbeat relax to its normal beating. Feeling Shinsou gradually relax, Hizashi began to as well; Their methods wouldn't cure everything, he knew that, but he was glad that they seemed to at least help. Still, he kept his arms gently around the boy, until they chose to break the hug themselves. He wasn't sure for how long Shinsou needed It, but he'd be patient. He wanted Shinsou to feel safe here, and cared for; a feeling of security, was something every child should have. Shinsou breaks the hug they had, feeling more safe than ever. He wiped all his tears away and smiled softly. "I-I feel better now." He said quietly. Hizashi returned the grins warmth and slowly removed his arms as well; Instead, placing a gentle hand on their head, and ruffling their hair a small bit. "Glad to hear," He replied, reaching forward again. "Now, how about we check on your arm?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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