twenty-one | near

Start from the beginning

"I appreciate so much what you did for me that day... when you found me in here," he said quietly. "And every other way you've helped me."

Elise felt her eyes water a little as she placed her hands on either side of his face and stared meaningfully into his beautiful eyes.

"I would do anything for you, Severus," she nearly whispered. "Even if you didn't feel the same for me as I do for you, I would've been there for you. You're too good of a person to give up on."

Severus' own eyes began to shimmer with tears as he smiled broadly, placing his hands on her waist and kissing her deeply.

Elise melted into him, pulling him as close as humanly possible as they kissed.

When they finally pulled away, their foreheads rested against each other for a long moment, as if both just soaking in the moment.

"You're a far better person than I am," Severus said, playing with a strand of her hair mindlessly. "The most kind, selfless, beautiful person there is."

Elise blushed furiously and gave a little laugh. "You are beautiful to me, Severus. Intelligent and strong... great kisser, too, by the way."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he stared at the girl in admiration. "You are far too good for me, Elise Lupin. But I am far too selfish to give you up."

"I wouldn't want you to." She said firmly and smiled as she tapped his nose with her finger.

Severus gave her a light kiss on the forehead before helping her down from the desk.

"Curfew is soon and I wouldn't want a sweet little Hufflepuff like you getting in trouble."

Elise crossed her arms defiantly. "This 'sweet little Hufflepuff' has had far more detentions than your Slytherin ass."

"Oh, for what? Hugging too many cute animals?" He joked, smirking down at her.

She slapped his arm playfully, though couldn't fight off laughter.

Once back out in the corridor, they shared another quick kiss before separating to head off to their own Houses.

Elise flopped onto her bed, sighing dreamily and snuggling her plushie raccoon that she'd gotten from Remus that Christmas.

Willow peered at her from her own bed with a quirked brow, slamming shut the book she was reading which caused Elise to jump slightly.

"Alright, Lupin," Willow said as she came over to sit on the edge of Elise's bed. "What's the deal? You've been all head-in-the-clouds and overly happy ever since the dance. What happened? Is it Snape?"

Elise sat up, her face burning but trying to hide it with laughter that came out a bit too nervous.

"Nothing happened, what do you mean?"

"Elise Hope, do not make me Bat Bogey Hex you!"

She threw up her hands in surrender, sighing. "Alright, alright," she said, giving her friend a guilty smile. "We, uh... might have kissed a little bit once you all left for bed that night..."

Willow's jaw dropped. "You KISSED?!" she shouted, beginning to pace around the room with her hands waving around exaggeratedly as she spoke. "And you didn't tell your best friend?! What the Bloody Hell is wrong with you! I can't believe -"

Elise tried to hide her laughter as she attempted to calm down her dramatic friend. "Merlin, Will, relax! We haven't told anyone yet," she said, causing the girl to huff and sit back down on the bed. "We know that the Marauders and the Slytherins are going to be super annoying and judge-y, so we're trying to have fun with it while we can."

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