The boy faces the world

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  The compound was flooding with army personnel

after the assassins left, rather convenient. In Abottabad , the army

does its primary duties and simultaneously functions as the police. He

overheard a conversation,”-must be the Americans or the British.” The

bodies of the dead were put into body bags. He watched as a soldier

in-charge of disposing the bodies played with his sister’s corpse.

Abdullah felt disgusted and puked. He wanted to kill the soldier but

knew he couldn’t, he was helpless and touching a soldier in Pakistan

was like earning a lottery ticket to a life sentence. Abdullah knew he

had to bide his time. He felt nauseas, the vaccine he had received a

couple of days earlier seemed to make him drowsy every few minutes.

The pressure, sadness, depression and loneliness were too much for his

young mind to be able to bear. His legs gave away and he fell as the

light slowly faded. He saw two men rush towards him.

                    He woke up in a room which looked like it belonged

to a hermit, his guess was not far off the mark. A bearded man entered

the room with perhaps an assistant who followed him obediently. The

man who stood before him was yet to become a household name in


“Inshallah, you are awake, I was going to call upon a doctor. You have

been unconscious for almost two days.” His raspy voice was soothing

and felt trustworthy. Abdullah decided to follow his instincts and

trust this man, a decision he would not regret.

“What is your name young man?”


“Ah! The son of the Sheikh’s courier.”

“Who is the Sheikh?”

“Osama-bin-Laden.” Realization dawned upon Abdullah.

      He had been living under the most feared man in the world. A man

who had declared jihad on America, in the name of Allah. Still a

question loomed, who had done this?

“Who killed my parents and the Sheikh?”

“America. They sent their finest to finish the job.”

“I want revenge-“he cut Abdullah mid-sentence.

“You shall have it, but not yet, you cannot kill the most powerful

nation in the world.USA might have executed the plan but without a

particular Pakistani and a couple of Indians, this mission would never

have been completed.”

“Who is the one who plots with the worshippers of the devil?” Qadri

was delighted but betrayed no emotion.

“Dr. Ali Malik. He has been jailed for 21 years.”

“I will kill-“Abdullah remembered about the vaccine he had received, a

certain Dr.Malik had given him the vaccine.

“Was he the one who gave me the vaccine?”Qadri nodded.

“It was no vaccine, just some saline and minerals. It should make no

difference to you.”

“He will die by my hands.” Abdullah said in a sinister voice.

“In good time, son.”

The word ‘son’ struck a deep chord within Abdullah. He had lost his

parents. His cousins were with their mother. “Are they even looking

for me?” he thought. He was alone and it seemed the bearded man who

stood before him was his only hope to salvation.

“What about the Indians?”

“They were reporters. They are hidden in a village near Dehradun

called Raipur. You can deal with them later. First, you have to


He turned and walked away, making it clear that the conversation was over.

                            The next day, Abdullah was woken up by

Qadri’s assistant. He went by the name Raheem. He had recently

finished his masters in Political Science from Cambridge. Abdullah ate

breakfast alone. As soon as he crossed the threshold of the humble

building in which he had resided, he realized that the city smelled

strange, looked more vibrant and even sounded strange. This could not

be Abottabad! He was whisked away in a Maruti Suzuki Omni. Qadri sat

beside him. He asked Qadri which city they were in. Qadri smiled and

replied, “Lahore.” A moment later Abdullah was blindfolded and his

hands were tied together. He did not feel fear just despair,

disappointment and despondency.

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