Wednesday 12th December [Ladybug]

Start from the beginning

She giggled at him.

"You sound just like my boss."

"A bit friendly with your boss there, Princess."

"He's an old close friend. Very protective."

Chat looked her over and came up with a quick game plan.

"You're blushing!"

"I am not!"

"Yes you are! Oh, oh, oh ... was he? Was your boss the guy?"

Ladybug sighed and looked at her partner. She didn't want the new love of her life freaking out over the old love of her life ... or oldish love ... or maybe constant love. She groaned just thinking about the situation she was in at the moment.

"I can't do this now."


"CHAT!" She stood up and grasped her yo-yo. "I'm going home, you've pushed me to my limits for this evening."

"Awwwwww .... but it was just getting fun!"

Chat stood up and began to brush himself down when he felt two hands cup his cheeks. Suddenly, a pair of soft warm lips met his and his eyes grew large. She kissed him, on the lips. Too quickly the kiss was over. He watched as she sent him a wink and extended her yo-yo to return back to the bakery.

As she landed through the skylight of her childhood bedroom she called of the transformation and collapsed on her bed. She loved him, she really did, but there was something else. She really couldn't commit to him whole heartedly, Adrien still owned some of her most important organ and if she was being honest the more time spent with him the more she genuinely cared for him.


"Yes Marinette."

"Is it possible to love two people?"

"No. One will always win out the other. As they say why would you fall in love with the second if you were truly in love with the first."

Marinette thought about Tikki's words and placed her hands over her face. This was too hard. The more time she spent with Adrien the more the feelings intensified. For both the boys neither feelings were that of a high school crush, or the feelings of a first love. It was deep and meaningful and both boys made her feel whole. The sound of her phone pulled her out her trance. She hadn't message Chat to say she'd got home so she thought it might be him checking in on her.

Climbing down her ladder she walked over to her desk and grabbed her phone.

1 new message. Adrien Agreste.

She couldn't stop the smile spreading across her face. Only two people made her heart explode when they texted her, and this was one of them.

Good evening fair maiden. As you know I have a royal appointment with the King tomorrow evening and I would be thrilled if your royal highness would accompany me on my arm? Xx

Marinette laughed as she read the message out to Tikki. They were both idiots. Two blonde dorks in her life which she wanted to take home and make hers.

Oh kind knight, I am so honoured you find me worthy of such an important occasion. I will be dressed to the nines so you do not feel as though you have a peasant with you, Monsieur Agreste xx

After she replied to Adrien she pulled up her most recent messages with Chat.

Hey Kitty Cat, I'm home. Sweet dreams about me x

He responded back instantly.

I always do, Princess xx

Not long after Chat Noir had sent his, another reply came from Adrien. Climbing back up on her bed she responded again.

Ha! No peasant here, just the most beautiful lady in the kingdom. I am proud to have you on my arm, Chloe and Felix will be joining us too. I am sorry you'll have to put up with my evil step cousin and his evil girlfriend xxx

Adrien seemed a lot more witty than she ever could remember. His conversations were very similar to what she had with Chat. It just made everything all the more difficult.

Marinette: Will you have to leave by midnight? Xxx

Adrien: I have managed to persuade them to allow me out the house for the whole night if I wish. It's so kind of them after they've let me live with them. No wait ... wrong way round. They live in my house, they should be obeying me!

Marinette snorted.

Marinette: It could be worse. It could be Lila living with you xxx

Adrien: I'm going to ignore you Dupain-Cheng, and the fact you've just put me off my steak and mashed potatoes xxx

Marinette: Ha! Sorry! Do you want me to buy you a bratwurst tomorrow as an apology? xxx

Adrien: Only if you let me buy the mulled wine? xxx

Marinette: Is my boss trying to get me drunk? xxx

Adrien: Naa, tomorrow night I'm not your boss. Just a friend xxx

Marinette: Just a friend, huh? And I thought it was going to be a date. You have broken my heart, Monsieur Agreste.

She sent the message and threw her phone down. No no no no no! Her sudden spurge of confidence texting him had just backfired big time. She didn't want to say that, why did she? Was she flirting with him? Oh, Marinette. What about Chat? It took Adrien ages to message back. It took him so long that Marinette was already asleep not knowing what was in her inbox waiting for her to read in the morning.

Adrien: Nothing would make me happier than calling tomorrow evening a date. So I will ask my first question again. Marinette, will you please be my date to the Christmas Market tomorrow evening? xxx

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