Tuesday 11th December [Adrien]

Start from the beginning

"What do you want?" If it was physically possible, Marinette would literally be blowing steam out of her ears. She had gone into full Hawk Moth battle mode, with a look he'd seen on her face a number of times.

"We need to give him chance to talk, Princess. He's part of this as much as the others, and we've let them have their chance. Mari, he's a friend too."

Princess? Whoops he'd made a slip up there. Hopefully she hadn't heard, but by the look of Luka's face he hadn't missed it. Adrien could see his eyebrow lift and a question waiting firmly on his tongue.

You're not together but you call her Princess?

Shut up, Couffine.

Marinette was still staring as the men telepathically scalded each other.

"Fine, but I have a lot of work to do so you have ten minutes whilst I enjoy my beverage." She walked over to the sofa and sat down. Luka thought it would be safer to sit opposite her as Adrien took the seat next to her, offering her the strength he knew they were both going to need.

"Can I just say before I begin that I am so sorry, for everything. Honestly if I could go back in time I would definitely change my decisions."

"You have eight minutes left." Marinette stated looking at her watch.

"I was talking to Alya. She was upset because she'd argued with Nino and there was no one to comfort her so I took her to a bar so we could talk. We both drank too much, I couldn't help but talk about my infatuation with you and that I missed you ... and that I ... that I loved you."

"You loved me?" Marinette looked at Luka in shock as Adrien looked at him as though he was going to take him down.

"I still do Mari. I always have."

Adrien looked at Marinette, watching the change in her expression. Her hardened expression became soft, it became caring and Adrien hated it.

"I - I - I don't know what to say."

"I missed you so much, Alya was the only comfort I could find."

"I'm back now." Her voice was soft and sweet, Luka looked at her with a smug smile on his face and Adrien wanted nothing more to slap it off.

"What about your girlfriend, Luka?" Marinette turned her head sharply to Adrien. Obviously wanting to hear more.

"She's not quite my girlfriend, just the girl I'm seeing. She has nothing on you, Marinette, though. We're nothing serious. I love you." Adrien watched as her head turned back to Luka. He had no idea what was going on with the two of them but he knew he didn't like it.

Suddenly Marinette spoke again, eyes closed and looking at the table.

"Luka, you know I think highly of you and love you, but only as a friend. We just don't work together as a couple. Plus there's this other guy I'm kind of seeing." She opened her eyes looking again into the ice blues of a Luka. Her eyes showed nothing but love.

"I also can't condone what you did. Alya was vulnerable and you got her in a situation where she couldn't think properly. Don't blame me not being here on it, that's unfair. After all Adrien hasn't gone around sleeping with people who know me just because I'm gone. You know I am loyal and committed, and the guy I'm with means the world to me. I wouldn't do anything that could hurt him. He means too much to me."

Luka looked at Adrien who sat with a lopsided grin on his face along with an eyebrow. He truly looked like the cat who got the cream.

"I suppose that's my queue to leave then. Mind walking me out, Adrien." Adrien checked with Marinette before he stood up and made his way to the door, Luka on his tail. Adrien truly couldn't believe what had just transpired, but there was nothing that would bring him down from this high. She really did love Chat, he just needed to make sure she loved Adrien too.

"Luka ..." Marinette called out to her old friend. The two guys stopped in their path and turned around. "I would still like us to be friends. You've been such a major part of my life." Luka nodded before carrying on walking through the door Adrien was holding open. As they exited the room, the door shut silently behind them.

"Wherever happens you need to do the right thing by Alya. She can't handle this alone."

Luka nodded.

"Of course." He began to walk to the elevator which had delivered them to the executive floor, before he turned back to face Adrien.

"By the way. Nicely played Agreste. I always knew you'd win when it came to her heart. Please make her feel loved and happy." Luka said sadly, as the elevator signalled its arrival.

"With everything I possess." Adrien replied, meaning every little word.

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