Tuesday 11th December [Adrien]

Start from the beginning

Adrien could relate to that. He didn't have many friends and if he lost any of them he'd want to figure out a way to win them back, or at least he'd want them to give him chance to explain.

"Adrien. Drinks for Adrien." Adrien turned away from Luka and grabbed the cup holder and food bag. He had a choice here, there was so much they still didn't know and to be honest Luka was their friend, especially Marinette's. He deserved his chance as much as Alya did.

"Marinette thinks a lot of you Luka and I don't want to see your friendship disappear just because of a mistake, so come back to the office with me and we'll discuss it. I can't guarantee she'll be happy to see you, but I'll calm her down as much as I can."

Luka's eyes glistened. He actually looked tearful at Adrien's words.

"Thank you Adrien. You're too kind."

"I know." He replied picking up her drinks, "but it's a positive, not a negative."

"Drink for Luka." Luka stepped forward and gathered his cup whilst Adrien reclaimed his own. He seriously hoped that Marinette wasn't going to kill him.

They made small talk as they headed back to the 'Agreste' building. Adrien wasn't as uncomfortable around Luka as he thought he would be, though that didn't stop him from feeling like he was cheating on Nino.

"Are you and Mari finally together?" Luka quizzed Adrien as they stepped out the elevator on their offices floor.

"Not at the moment no."


"What does that mean?" Adrien stopped and looked over at Luka, what the hell was he on about now.

"It's just ... you know ... the two of you are like the perfect couple even when you're not a couple." He laughed. "I just don't understand why you're not together. To be honest I don't know why you're not married yet, I would have put money on it."

Adrien couldn't help but laugh. He wondered the same too ... but he also guessed he was part the problem, after all he was so oblivious to the wonderful girl who he was lucky enough to call his best friend.

"Who knows what the future will bring? But right now she's under a lot of pressure, you know, coming home, getting a job, finding out her best friend was knocked up by a guy she once dated."

Luka winced at Adrien's words. There wasn't a lot he could say though. It was true. Luka made a big mistake. Wrecked a relationship, killed a friendship and might have an additional skill he'd need to embody; becoming a father. Like Adrien, his own father hadn't been the best role model, he honestly still wasn't quite sure who his father was. If he could turn back time he most certainly would.

Adrien knocked on Marinette's door and the bluenette shouted to call him in.

"Come on in Sunshine, I'm in need of that mocha."

Luka couldn't help smirk as Adrien blushed. She knew he hated that nickname.

"This one stitch is causing me a headache." She carried on talking as Adrien tried to get her attention.

"Um- Mari?"

"All the damn thing needs to do it hold this teeny tiny piece of chiffon but noooooo."

"Mari? Turn around and step away from the chiffon."

"Still as determined as always, I see." Luka speaking up made Marinette turn at a whiplash inducing speed.

Luka couldn't help the corners of his lips pull as she made the exact same stance as Adrien had. As much as he loved and admired this girl, she wasn't his chosen half.

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