Stage1:Obama x Quackity is over party

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Obama and Quackity have been fighting too much lately. It's gone as far as Obama hitting Quackity, which obviously crossed the line. Quackity kicked Obama out, while Obama begged him to not. It was over. Quackity's love dilemma could finally be solved now that Obama was out of the picture.

Quackity decided not to go out today, he was still stressed because of last night when he kicked Obama out. Although it did seem to lift a huge weight off his shoulders. Quackity sat on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. He couldnt help but cry a little.

He had been hanging out with Bad a lot recently, which is part of the reason he broke up with Obama. Bad had seen Quackity out and about every day, even if they didnt plan to see each other that day, and when he didnt see him anywhere today, Bad got this underlying feel of worry.

Bad didnt want to think anything of it, so he decided to take a walk around the smp. He was walking in the direction of tommy's house when Obama decked out in full enchanted netherite armor fell down from a tree in front of Bad. Bad jumped back in surprise, and got even more scared when he saw Obama's angry face. Bad tried to swing his sword, but Obama's aura deflected it. Bad yelled for help, hoping someone would hear. and luckily someone did hear.

Technoblade came running from a different direction and drop kicked Obama into the sky. Technoblade turned to face Bad and said his famous line: "I drop-kicked that child in self defense". Bad laughed at this and gave Techno a hug to show his appreciation. Techno then told him to stay safe and ran back the way he came from.

Bad knew that Obama and Quackity were together, so he was worried Obama also did something to Quackity, and Bads worry started to really surface. He raced over to boomerville and started climbing the hill to Mexican L'manberg. He was tired when he got to the top, but still raced over to Quackity's 'house'.

Bad burst open the door to Quackitys room and saw that he was still crying. Bad ran over and sat next to him, wrapping his arm around Quackity's shoulders gripping tight. Bad asked what was wrong and why he was crying, and Quackity spilled everything that he was feeling, forgetting who he was talking to.

"OBAMA HATES ME AND WE BROKE UP SO I KICKED HIM OUT OF THE HOUSE....and I dont know what to do because he meant something to me...but it was hard because I thought I was falling in love with you but I was afraid that if I told you it would ruin our friendship...because you're a really good friend Bad, and I wouldnt replace you for anything....I'm sorry that I'm such a dunce and cant just tell you what I'm feeling, and I'm sure Obama's hurt you by now and I'm so sorry that I didnt come save you, You mean so much to me... I dont think I could handle losing you..yet I did nothing about it..."

Bad was surprised by this sudden confession, and just sat there for a moment processing it. When he finally got it through his head he stuttered out some words,"Y-you really t-think of me like t-t-that...?"

Quackity lifted up his head to face Bad, his face red from crying, and telling Bad everything. He then looks down at his feet and says,"I do, I'm sorry.. I'm sure you dont like me back but I wasnt thinking straight and now you know too much.." "N-NO! of course I like you back you muffin head! you're sweet and kind, and you make me so happy Quackity!" Quackity was surprised too by Bad, and looked back at him. "I..didnt know..." there was a short pause where they just gazed into each others eyes, before Quackity said again.

"Bad, I know this might be fast, but... do you want to be my boyfriend..?" Bad's face got red by this question, but he said happily, "yes! I never thought this day would come!" jumping onto Quackity with a big hug.

They wanted to keep their relationship a secret, they didnt want Obama coming back and ruining what they had. Quackity could tell this was who he was meant to be with, he felt safer than he did with Obama, and so much happier too.
Although, bad things seem to always follow Quackity.

It was a winter morning, and snow was falling outside in Mexican L'manberg. Bad had recently moved in with Quackity after they announced the relationship between them. Everyone seemed happy for them which was good. It was a couple weeks before Christmas, and everyone was decorating the smp. Quackity and Bad were outside decorating their house, stringing lights up and putting up a Mexican themed tree. It was all happy and jolly until someone showed up. Obama.

Quackity and Bad glared at Obama as he approched them. Obama looked mad, like really mad. Quackity got his armor on that he put in a chest on the porch. Obama walked up to them and held out his hand. Quackity was confused by this sudden gesture, but took his hand and shook it. Obama then slashed Quackity across the face, causing Bad to gasp, and lunge at Obama in rage. Obama, knowing this might happen, held out his sword at Bad took the next hit. Obama seemed over powered. 

Quackity stood up, also angry that Obama was back. Georgenotfound, the vice president of Mexican L'manberg heard the noises and came to see what was happening. When he saw Obama he immideatly new something bad was gonna happen. He called in dream and sapnap to help, but Obama also had people on his side. Obama called upon his friends, Joe Biden, his new fiance, and their son, Jobama. He also pulled out a secret weapon: A dragon sword, made from sharpened bones of a dragon. Quackity, Bad, George, Sapnap, and Dream all feared them, so they got more of their friends involved too. 

Techno, Tommy, and Tubbo all raced to the fight, and they brought Ph1LzA and fundy too. It was a grusome battle, they couldnt seem to take Obama, Joe biden, Or Jobama down. One by one the dream smp  members went down. It was just Quackity, Dream, Techno and Bad still standing. Suddenly Jobama let out a wild yell and shot an arrow at Quackity, sending him to the ground. This enraged Bad so much that he brought out his secret weapon....

"FUCK!" Bad yelled out. The wave of power that shot out against the opposing team was insane. It wiped all three of them. Obama, Joe Biden, and Jobama laid on the grass silent, dead. Bad's secret weapon also healed his team, and everyine stood up, astonished at what Bad had done.

It had been a couple weeks since this fearsome battle, and the dream smp had a celebration for Bad. But yknow, they all lived happily ever after, before tommy got exiled, that is. (Just assume that Tommy's Exile was months after the funny prank)

(1218 words)


Yeah thats it. Boring, But i thought it might be funny to do so i did it. I hope you enjoyed? you probably didnt. Also i know that Mexican L'manberg has recently been renamed to El Rapids, but i started writing this before they changed it and i didnt feel like changing the other chapters too. But have a nice day :))

Remember to drink whater, love you guys!

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