Stage2:What the fxck skeppy!?

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Quackity and Bad had a healthy relationship, much better than Quackitys old relationship with Obama. He was happier, he had energy, and he felt actually loved. Bad felt the same, he felt more alive, and just so happy to be with who he wants to be with.

But as before, bad things seem to follow Quackity.

Quackity and Bad were still happy together, that didnt change, other things did though.

Recently, Bad has had a feeling that he was being watched, especially around the big quartz building that he used to live in. He thought he was just being paranoid, and shrugged it off.

Bad arrived home to Quackity. It was Friday night so they decided to watch a movie. Bad wanted to watch The Little Mermaid, but Quackity somehow convinced him to watch a horror movie with him.

It was only 20 minutes into the movie, and Bad was already tightly holding onto Quackity. Quackity thought it was cute that he was scared, so he gave him a kiss on the top of his head and said some reassuring words. Bad calmed down a little, but he just got scared again during the rest of the movie. (Unlike me who just makes fun of the actors the whole time 😎😎😎)

The movie finally ended, and Bad was shaking, so Quackity carried him to bed😏, and they both laid down together. Quackity cuddled with Bad, attempting to calm him down, but the movie really raddled Bad. Quackity, who hadn't been scared, fell asleep rather quickly, but Bad laid awake staring at the ceiling. He eventually fell asleep, but did have a nightmare. He woke up early in the morning, causing Quackity to also wake up, but since hes a good bf he comforted Bad.

They laid in bed for a while, just cuddling and talking, until it got to a reasnoble time to get up. Quackity cooked them breakfast, and they discussed their plans for the day. Quackity remembered that Dream had asked for his assistance with something, so he said goodbye, gave Bad a hug, and headed towards where he was supposed to meet with Dream.

Bad didnt have any plans yet, so he decided he would go on a short adventure. Little did he know this would be trouble...

Bad grabbed his tools, and headed put the house, and started walking to the edge of the dream smp. Once again he got the feeling he was being watched. He reached the opening to the forest, before stopping and taking a breath. Bad usually went with Quackity, so he felt very isolated.

Since it had only been around a month since the Obama battle, it was still winter. So there was still a pretty heavy layer of snow blanketing the ground. Bad built up enough confidence to go walking in.

Bad was passing thick spruce trees as he left footprints in the snow. He started to get less worried, and more careless. Until he passed a tree only to reveal a giant spider. Bad screamed before he swung his sword, killing the spider. The spiders corpse disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

Suddenly, without warning, Bad was pushed up against the tree by something, or someone.

Bad opened his eyes quickly to see what it was. He was surprised to see Skeppy's face right in front of his. Skeppy has Bad pinned against the tree. (Woah there bud, where is this story going😳.)

Skeppy grinned at Bad before saying
"Finally, your away from that bastard Quackity"
This made Bad confused, but the way Skeppy said it made his cheeks turn bright red. Bad barely stuttered out a
Skeppy chuckled at Bad, he thought it was cute how flustered he was.

"You know what I mean~"
Skeppy said playfully.
"And I know that Quackitys an asshole who doesnt actually care about you."
Skeppy knew this wasnt true, but he needed Bad to break up with Quackity himself.
"T-thats not true! Q-Quackity cares about m-me!"
"Oh Bad, you cant be this naive.. Quackity lied to you earlier about meeting with dream, hes actually having an affair with Obama."
"Obama's dead!"
"That's what Quackity wants you to think"
"You're lying to me!"
Bad said louder before pushing Skeppy away and sprinting out of the forest. Skeppy smiled as he watched Bad run away, although he was disappointed his first attempt of gaining Bad's trust didnt work. 'He'll trust me eventually. Dont worry Bad, you will be mine.' Skeppy thought before walking back towards the smp.

(762 words)

OK! I was requested to write more so I did. Tell me what you think, and I also need you to FORGET THAT THEY WERE EVER MARRIED! Just pretend I didnt say it, I only said it because I didnt intend to continue the story. I may also upload another chapter tonight, I have a lot of ideas of where this might go. Anyways, I hope this is an ok way to continue, I love you all, dont forget to drink water ;-;.

Quackboyhalo(Just for the memes)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon