Rant Number 2

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I'm so so fucking sorry.
I cut at the first sign of danger, at the first sign of thinking I did something wrong.
As soon as you leave. I cut.
As soon as you say it. I cut.
As soon as you even *slightly* give off an aura of anger directed at me. I cut.
How can they say I'm strong when all I do is give in to the temptation?
How can they say I'm strong when I tell them how I broke down and almost killed myself multiple times?
How can they tell me that I'm tough when I sit here, not facing my problems like a man. I cry while writing poems with a knife next to me.
I deserved to get slapped.
I deserved to be left.
I'll be single again any day. Why?
No one wants to date a weak man. Not even a man. A boy. I'm a child but someone so perfect loves me.
I'm too young to know how cruel the world is.

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