Christmas Prompts (6/25)

Start from the beginning

Piper nodded, humming out an agreeing noise.

"I know. It's such an us thing to do. Why didn't you tell me you were planning on stealing a reindeer? I would have stayed if I knew!"

Percy frowned, feeling jittery.

"I didn't plan on stealing a reindeer. I merely... made a friend I don't want to part with. I didn't steal him."

Next to Piper, Leo scoffed.

"Yeah right, and my hair is pink."

The entire room stopped what they were doing, including Annabeth. Every occupant turned to stare at Leo, dumbfounded. Even the reindeer turned to stare at Leo as if he was stupid.


Annabeth huffed a sigh, rolling her eyes.

"Leo, your hair is pink."

"Huh? Oh."

Apparently Leo had forgotten the little incident in chemistry the week before. The one that effectively turned his hair pink.

They all froze as the front door opened and closed, Sally Jackson appearing in the doorway to the living room.

She paused halfway though the room, having caught sight of the large animal standing in her living room.

She blinked, shaking her head before leaving the room and heading into the kitchen for a glass of water.

"You know what, I think we should leave now. It's getting late anyways."

With that, they all said their goodbyes before Percy's friends left, all heading the sperate ways back to their homes.

As soon as the front door closed, Percy headed to his room, deciding he needing a break from both biting his thumb and worrying over his kidnapped reindeer.

Just as he was about to get into bed, his mom poked her head into the doorway.

"I want that reindeer gone by Friday."

Percy nodded, immediately understanding where she was coming from.

"Yes mom."

Sally smiled.

"Thanks sweetie."

She entered his room briefly to kiss his forehead, leaving and heading straight for her room after. Thankfully, she closed the door and turned the lights off on her way out so Percy didn't have to.

Gods, he loved his mom.

The next morning, Percy and his friends moved onto what they'd dubbed 'Reindeer Research' instead of just circling over the same topics like they had the night before.

Although slightly surprised, it didn't exactly come as a massive shock to them when the reindeer turned down the simple vegetation they offered, due to its pure size and, upon closer look, eyes.

Annabeth, ever the Greek Mythology geek, had already made several comments about the reindeer resembling a hellhound.

After the initial rejection, they went back to their research, often consulting the group or testing something new out.

Two days of research passed and the reindeer accepted no food, nothing.

Despite being told you couldn't, Percy was pretty sure he could see the animals ribs.

Oh gods, he was trying to kill a reindeer.

Considering the fact that his impulse actions only seemed to be causing harm to the poor creature - and the fact that tomorrow was Friday - Percy took the reindeer back to the woods, where he found him.

Percy Jackson Gay ShipsWhere stories live. Discover now