Chapter 2

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Hey y'all.

So, like I said, this story is going to be a little different than the original, and more defined, as well as a sequel planned for this soon. But that's not really important right now.

What is important is your feedback. How is it so far? Is this better than the original? I think the finished product is significantly better, and I definitely had fun with this. But I'm curious how you guys feel.

Anyway, that's all. Enjoy.


"Hey, Ryder, come here! I need you for a second!" Chase called out to Ryder, who the latter appeared a few seconds later. "Hey Chase. Who is that?" Ryder greeted, and then questioned when he noticed Marshall's presence. "Oh, that's what I needed you for. You see, this pup claims he has no home, and needs to stay the night. Why don't you explain it, actually, pup?" Chase suggested to Marshall, who gave a brief sigh, trying to come up with a believable lie.

"Well, yeah, I don't really have a home. And usually I would find some shelter or something during storms. But this one is really bad, and I can't really sleep well during storms. So I was hoping I could just sleep for the night and then leave in the morning?" Marshall explained, although in truth, he wished he could stay there forever.

"Well, can he Ryder?" "Hm, well the storm is pretty bad, and I would hate to have to send a pup like you out there again. Plus, Chase seems pretty ethusantic to keep you here, so why not?" Ryder replied, as a crushing wave of relief came upon Marshall. He would at least get to spend a little more time with them, even if they don't even know who he is. "Yay! Can I show the pups to him, Ryder?" "Go right on ahead. I'm sure the pups would love to see we have a visitor." "Alright! Let's go... uh... what was your name again?" "Huh? Oh, right, I should have introduced myself, I'm Marshall," Marshall greeted, slightly awkward not only at the fact he hadn't even said his own name to them yet, but also to the fact he was introducing himself to his best friend again. "Right, Marshall. Let's go! You have to meet the others!" Chase told him, tugging on his paw as Marshall carelessly followed.

"Guys, you'll never believe what happened!" Chase exclaimed as he barged into the room. Currently, Skye and Zuma were playing Pup-Pup Boogie, with Rubble and Rocky watching. "What? You flooded the lookout with toilet water again?" "Oh come on, Rocky. That was one time. And no, it's not that. In fact, we have a visitor!" Chase explained, revealing Marshall. "You act like I'm going to stay here for a while when I'm only staying for the night. Anyway, nice to meet you all, I'm Marshall," Marshall greeted.

"A visitor?! Why didn't you tell me sooner, Chase?!" Skye asked as she jumped off immediately and went right up to Marshall. "Oh, uh, right. I forgot how you are with visitors," Chase admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "Hi, I'm Skye, nice to meet you," Skye greeted in an energetic tone, shaking his paw furiously. "Woooah, calm down, please." "Whoops, sorry. Anyway, welcome to the lookout!" Skye welcomed him openly. "Yeah, it's rare to get visitors. I'm Rubble, by the way," Rubble introduced himself. "Zuma's the name." "I guess I'll introduce myself too. Hi, I'm Rocky," Rocky greeted with a bitter tone. "Rocky! You should be nicer to our guests!" "Well sorry, but you know how I am with visitors!" Skye and Rocky began to get in a quarrel, as everyone else looked on in disapproval.

"Sorry, they aren't always like this. Anyway, how long did you say you were staying for?" Rubble questioned. "Oh, just for the night. I'm sorry, I didn't really want to cause chaos or anything," Marshall replied in embarrassment. Really, he never expected his friends to argue, because he had never seen them argue about anything. It was so out of character for them. "Wait, just for the night? Well, I guess make yourself comfy then. Where do you intend to sleep, by the way?" "Uh, Ryder said something about me sleeping on the couch I think." "Actually, I have an old bed you can use. It doesn't really fit me, but it might fit you," Chase suggested. "I would love that, thank you."

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