Drarry part 2

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Draco's pov:
I sat in the Slytherin common room with Crabbe and Goyle. I took a sip and spat it out dramatically, without thinking I blurted out "Uh! How the hell can Potter drink this is much to sweet!" They both stared at me. "Why did you have the same coffee as Harry..." I started to blush uncontrollably and for probably one of the first times in my life I could barley spit out my words. "I- W-well you see w-we I- I'm im I d-don't have to explain myself !" There was awkward silence for a long time, I mean a LONG time like 10,15 minutes I'd say ! Then Pansy came down listening to music, singing, and dancing. She saw us paused, then strutted over grabbed my hands and started dancing with me. I was stiff as a board, she was dancing like a tube man. Crabbe and Goyle just stared silently. Pansy was my only real friend, but I'd never tell her that. She circled towards my ear and whispered "I know you like Harry Potter." Then giggled. I blushed uncontrollably and said "I- I need to go to the bathroom..." I washed my face looked at myself in the mirror and laughed pitifully "What am I going to do with you....? Out of everyone you could crush on? Potter?" I got ready for school and headed straight there early in order to avoid Potter, and Pansy. But of course I spot Potter, Granger, and Weasley it's undeniable that they've seen me.

Harry's pov:
Hermine, Ron, and I are sitting drinking our butter bear. Draco walks by us I glance at my butter bear look back at him take a deep breath and gesture for him to come. Ron and Hermine look at me like I've killed someone. He reluctantly walks over blushing and angry. "What do you wan't Po-" his eyes met mine he looked away and blushed more I wanted my mind to take a picture I looked away. Hermine and Ron's faces where a mixture of confused, shocked, and angry. Draco sat up and walked away. After he walked away Hermine and Ron exploded on to me but I wasn't listening I was thinking about him....
To be continued...

I improvised 😭😭😭

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