Hermiones sleepover part 2

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Hermione's pov (continued)
We make our way back to the living room as Ginny washes off her face. Luna laughs. "What!?" Ginny asks oddly alarmed. She stands up in front of Ginny inches away from her face. Luna than pulls a Peice of peanut butter out of her hair Ginny turns red as a tomato. Ginny asks Cho "truth or dare?" Cho response with "dare!" Ginny replied "I dare you to drink a whole bowl of water like a dog. Cho rolled her eyes Ginny filled a bowl with water and pushed it towards Cho "go ahead drink." Cho than lowered her head down to the bowl and started licking for her life. The water splashed as her young's slapped it. She finished it surprisingly quickly. Handed it back to Ginny and smirked. Ginny brought the bowl to the kitchen and washed it. Cho asked me "truth or dare?" I replied with "truth..?" out of fear. "Boo" Cho said "What is Ginnys biggest secret?" Ginny shot an angry shot at Cho, Cho jokingly said "this is payback." and laughed. I said "I would say liking Harry, but now they are dating so...." "Well, anything else than, "ummmm.... she has a birth mark on her foot..?" "Dang it!" Cho said. Ginny laughed at her. "Truth or Dare Pansy?" Pansy replied with "Dare." "I dare you to....... oh I just came up with a really good ones! squirt milk into your eyes if milk hurts too much you can do water." I gave Pansy a water gun she filled it with milk and shot it in her eye! Everyone gasped than clapped for her. She jokingly bowed for us. "Ok, ok what's next?" I bit my lower lip looked around the room and said "Spin the bottle...."

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