Part 1: Nominies

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*in class*
Ms.bustier: Okay class I have some exciting news.
*people start to whisper getting all excited*
Ms.bustier: As you all know  next Friday will be prom and anyone who wants to be nominated for king and queen please say so now.
Alya: *whispers to marinette* Girl you should totally run for queen
Marinette: I-I don't know
Alya: Oh cmon don't you want a spotlight dance with Adrien
Marinette: *starts going into dreamy mode* yea that would be awesome. I-I mean well yea but we don't even know if he's running

Chloe: *stands up* I would like to nominate my Adrien and my self for king and queen since we make the perfect match. Isn't that right Adrien. *winks at him*
Adrien: *hesitating* um yea sure.

Alya: *back to whispering with Marinette* Well now we know his running, cmon you have to do this.
Marinette: I'm still not so sure about this
Alya: Well tough nuggies cause you running anyways.
Marinette: Alya, what do you-
Alya: *Stand up* I would like to nominate Marinette for queen
Chloe: pfft, Marinette dupain cheng for queen that's Ridiculous Utterly Ridiculous.
Adrien: I second that nomination
Ms. Bustuir: So for queen Marinette and chloe and king Adrien... anyone else
Rose: I would like to nominate Lila for queen.
Lila: *lying* omg guys thank you. You know I am the 7th in line to be Queen in Anchou.
Alex: woah that's so cool

Marinette: ugh shes such a liar
Alya: she's not a liar Marinette your just jealous she tried to hit on Adrien *teases her*
Marinette: *folds her arms* na-ah
Alya: mhm. Anyways so, can you believe it your gonna be prom queen with Adrien
Marinette: Alya, I didn't win yet and how do you know if Adrien wants me to win anyways
Alya: Um, hello. He literally nominated you
Marinette: yea but still
Alya: whatever girl

Ms.bustier:  well then since Adrien is the only person running for king so he wins but default. Ladies you guys can start hanging your posters and everything, and remember today is wednesday and the dance will be next Friday which gives you 9 days to prepare

*bell rings*

Ms.bustier: you are dismissed. Good luck.

*everyone gets up and leaves*

Marinette: *walking with alya home* omg I can't believe this I'm so excited but nervous at the same time
Alya: why because of Adrien. OooOooOo
Marinette: Omg I didn't about that what if he asks me to dance
Alya: um wouldn't that be a good thing
Marinette: of course not. What if my dress is too long and I trip on it knocking over Adrien to the punch, he'll hate me forever then we'll probably emd up marrying Kagami and we'll never have the house, 3 kids, and the hamster named-
Alya: woah calm down girl. Deep breaths
Marinette: *breaths in and out*
Alya: everything will be just fine trust me
Marinette: *sighs*  I hope your right

*walks into the bakery*

Sabine: (Marinette's mom) oh Marinette it's
Good thing your home. Your dad and I relized that it's been really hard in the bakery lately and we're gonna need some extra help around here. Do you mind asking some of your friends if there looking for a job.
Marinette: *looks at alya* do you think you can do it
Alya: sorry girl no can do, the lady blog takes way too much of my time. But I have an idea. Why don't you ask Adrien
Marinette: are you crazy, me and him in tre same room together. Yeah no way I haven't even washed my hair and I'm not wearing my lucky socks. It would be a complete disaster. *looks at her mom* don't worry mom I'll ask my friends
Sabine: thanks honey *kisses marinette's check*

*the next school morning*

Marinette: *bumps into Adrien and drops the posters she made* Oh adrien so sorry am I- uh I-I mean I'm so so sorry

*lila watching from a distance*

Adrien: *helps her pick up her posters* it's okay *giggles. Grabs one of her posters and looks at it*
Marinette: *stuttering* oh I'm uh it's *scratching her head* I was just about to um tow them away I-I mean throw them away
Adrien: well um I actually think it's kinda cute
Marinette: *blushes* really, cause a bit nervous about this whole prom thing
Adrien: don't worry Marinette you got this thing in the bag. You totally have my vote. *winks at her and walks away*
Marinette: *lost in dreamyland*
Lila: *walks towards her* you better back off naked girl Adrien is mine
Marinette: *folds her arms* says who
Lila: says me.
Marinette: OoOoOoo I'm so scared
Lila: I'm serious. You know damn well what I'm capable of.  I will ruin your life if it's the last thing I do and adrien will be mine.
Marinette: um sorry Lila but last time I checked Adrien wasn't into roaches. *smirks and walks away*

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