Just as I got sturdy and was about to extend my arms, the stadium door bust opened and in walked Xavier. His eyes taking in the pyramid made of 15 girls infront of him. Once his eyes reached me on the top a dangerous smirk adorned his face.

"Hello girls, what a fine sight you are." he winked at the girls on the bottom row.

Oh no! Those weak minded whores. No! R.I.P me and S.U.E them.

Just as I expected the baboons on the first row gasped at his voice and wink. And was permanently stupidified enough to remove the hands holding the row above them to bring it to their mouth.

One by one the chaos unwinded as the girls tumbled down, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the fall eventhough lowkey I knew that Xavier would catch me. Except he didn't.

And I fell. Right on to the ground of the stadium with a loud grunt. Pain shot through my ankle right to my eyes, tears pooled yet I reeled them in. All I saw was red.
Anger for the bimbos, anger for the hard stadium floor and specially anger for the asshole who caused this.

Many grunts and groans resounded from all the other girls that fell but once they noticed me clutching my ankle they all went silent with frantic expressions dawned on their stupid faces.

"What the frick are you all staring at? Help me up!", I yelled in pain.

Soon Karla and Mia put my arms around their shoulders and attempted to lift me up before I bit my lip hard, drawing blood, to suppress screaming in pain.

Before the the pain subsided and my blurred eyes cleared, I felt strong arms lift me up bridal style.

Didn't have to open my eyes to know who was strong enough to lift me out of all the people in the room.

"Let me down you bastard!", I hit his chest with my fist.

"Are you really in a position to complain right now?", he spoke as he carried me to the nurse's office.

"And who should I thank for being in this position", I glared at him through my pain.

"Your weak minded team", he shrugged nonchalantly.

"You-ugh! I'm going to sue each and everyone of them!, including you!"

"And what would your case be?" His unusual chatter today is pissing me off!

"They deliberately dropped me upon instructions from you", I retorted my anger overidding my pain.

"Is that so? Have fun proving that given the stadium's CCTV is down for maintainance", he shifted me on his arms.

I grabbed onto his neck for stability making him stiffen a bit under my touch.
"And how do you know that?"

"I checked when I saw you drop"

"That's why you couldn't catch me!", I angrily exclaimed.

"No. I didn't catch you because I didn't intend to."

"You miserable little piece of shit!"

"I've been called worse", he nonchalantly responded as he dropped me on the nurse's bed.

"You two, again?", The nurse hurried over to the fridge.

"I swear to medusa woman if you take out another damn ice pack, I will personally see to it that you're fired!", I screamed in anger halting the nurse in her steps.

"Bu-but", The nurse stuttered with the fridge door half opened.

"Allow me Nurse Jane, She is in a very bad mental state at the moment. So why don't you let me handle her while you stay away from her line of view.", Xavier pushed the startled nurse out the door.

"If you're thinking of payback for what happened this morning, I'd have you know I'm not beside screaming my lungs out for help."

"Stop putting ideas in my head Bella", Xavier smirked while grabbing a damn ice pack from the fridge.

Upon seeing my face he explained that in this case icepack is the way to go. He carefully removed my sneaker that I wear for cheer, revealing my unicorn socks underneath.

He then slowly moved my foot to the right, monitoring my pained reaction.
"You're doing this on purpose arent you!"

"Can't say this doesn't bring me joy but no I'm not doing this on purpose. I'm checking to see if this is just a minor sprain or a broken bone"


"Judging from the way you still manage to yell at me, you're not in enough pain for it to be a broken bone". He removed the sock and placed the ice pack on my ankle. The sensation was contrasting the freezing nature of ice as it burned my ankle.

"It burns!", I yelled trying to pull back my foot but he had a strong grip on it.

"Good", his one worded reply had me burning in anger even more than my fucking foot.

"You asshole!", I whined in pain, flinching to try and free my foot from his grasp.

"Would you stop squirming? It should burn inorder for it to do it's job!" Xavier held me in place.

After a few minutes my foot became numb and he started to wipe away the water and wrapped my foot in a clothe bandage with a little pin to hold it in place.

"You done?", I moved my foot and placed it on the ground, it surprisingly didn't hurt as much.

"You're welcome", he rolled his eyes at me started walking out the door.

"Wait! Where do you think you're going?", I called out to him.

"What! What do you want now!?", he stormed back in

"You expect me to walk all the way back to class with this on my foot genius?", I wiggled my bandaged foot in his face.

Which he pushed away, throwing me off balance. But he caught me by my waist before I fell and threw my arm around his shoulder to hang onto.

"We shall never speak of this again", he exclaimed as he helped me limp out of the nurse's room.

"We wouldn't have to in the first place, if you didn't do what you did", I retorted as his grip around my waist tightened.

He ignored me and kept walking when we came face to face with dear nurse Jane.

"You two make a good pair", She winked at us and walked past.

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