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Izuku pov

We were sitting in class listening to Aizawa talk about the sports festival and how we had two weeks to train and during that time not only did we train we had missions to get rid of the scum of this world and also planning when, where, and what were going to do to Sherry and Blake and i can say it's gonna be FUN.

two weeks later

We walked out onto the field and they called me onto the stage so i said "i'm going to fight my hardest and i hope you all do as well cause i have worked hard to get here and i'll show you how hard i've worked" first thing we had to face was an obstacle course first challenge was getting past the tunnel so once started i transformed into a baby syminase kitten and crawled through the crowd once through there were robots easy i then transformed into a cheeta then ran past then the next challenge was a cliff jumping thingy (A/N: i don't remember what they called it so ya) and for that i transformed into mountain goat and jumped on each thingy once past i transformed back to myself then the final challenge was a mine field easy i transformed into a bald eagle then flew past it to the end ending up in first place.

after everyone get back and midnight explained there having a calvery battle.

i was teamed up with Hito, Tokiyami, and Mei we formed a plan. Once the battle started everyone was going after me but as the game went on less people were going after us and it was the last five minutes when we were surrounded in ice Todo's team was after us as he got closer and in whispering distance i said "do you wanna go after your father at some point not only for you but also your mom and siblings" he froze at that and i snatched his headband in that process someone had grabbed mine but i had every single other one of theirs ending up placing us in second place.

break time

I was walking back from the vending machine when all might appeared in front of me.

Nezu pov

i saw all might heading towards Midoriya and i didn't know how this would end so i followed staying hidden when i heard there conversation(all might is AM nad Izuku is I and when Nezu has a thought it's *N*)

AM-why do you dislike me young Midoriya

I-hahahaha dislike hahahaha

*N*hearing him laugh like that scared me but also intrigied me what could i teach this boy

AM-what do you mean young Midoriya

I-you still want to act all inocent well fine let me refresh your memory think back to two and a half years ago

AM-hmmm there was nothing

I-you you you ugh fine let me say this remember the "useless quirkless waste of space that shouldn't exist"

*N*when hearing what Izuku said i was confused

AM- w-wait are you that quirkless waste of space

*N*hearing him say that i wanted to yell and jump on him but when i was about to walk out Izuku spoke again

I-yes i am and let me tell you something on that day i found out the people that was supposed to take care of me after my mom's death were the reason she died  and not only that they were gonna sell me not only were they raping and abusing we they were gonna do that i was also being bullied and raped by my classmates but just to top it all off you had to go and crush my dreams and say i was a waste of space because of you and all the other tourmenters i had i became a vigante and i rid the fucking world of scum like you and all the others scum in the world

and after saying that Izuku left and i was stunned and angry and so much more but i just walked to my office to think.

Izuku pov

After that i was angry and i walked to the 2-A break room once in there everyone notice i was angry and tried to get me to answer but i didn't want to and i was getting frustrated and screamed "WHAT" and suddenly every muscle in my body went loose and Hito calmly asked "what happened why are you so upset" and i said "all dick confronted me and asked why i hated him so much and i told him to think but he thought he was all Fucking innocent and because of that i got angry and spilled my guts out" everyone was shocked then i broke out of his control and fell to the floor balling my eyes out having all those thoughts i've been pushing to the back of my mind like i deserve this pain and i deserve to suffer, it was all my fault. After crying for half an hour i look up and see every one looking at me with worry and love so i smile and says "let's focas on the festival i'll talk after okay" they all nod and we go on with the festival in the end i got first ka-chan got second and Hito got third. 

After the festival

I walk to Aizawa's office and knock on his door he answers and looks at me with concern but let's me and says "what's the matter" and i couldn't hold it in i start crying again and say "did i deserve this pain was it my fault it was wasn't it" i fall to the floor and ball my eyes out he grabs me and hugs me and i end up crying myself to sleep in his arms.

survivor here 

hey my little wolf pack i hope your enjoying this so far i'm sorry this was a shorter chapter i'm just tired so ya but anyway thanks for reading 

cats or dogs or both?

survivor out bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bnha deku x shinsoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora