the begining of disaster

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Katsuki pov

I was sitting at the park waiting for Izuku when two of my pals walked up to me and said "were going to bully midoriya and your gonna help" so i look at them in anger and disgust and say "no why the hell would i do that" and they look at each other and said "well if you don't we'll kill him" i look at them and say in my head *i'm sorry* then say to them "fine" with anger and regret in my voice.

Izuku pov

As i hear the conversation ka-chan and his friends have  i could hear how much ka-chan didn't want to do it. I walk out over to ka-chan and wave to ka-chan and he pushed me away and looked at me with a look of regret so i looked at him and smiled to say it was ok and he still looked at me regretfully and so that was the start after that had there 'fun' with me i walked home only for things to get worse.

Abuse, Rape, and Self Harm ahead you've been warned

At home  

Once  i walked into the door i felt a surge of pain in my head and i looked up and say my aunt hovering over me with a bloodied beer bottle in her hand and she looks at me and says "you mistake you should have been here sooner" so i look at her with a look of surprise, hurt and question and she just rolls her eyes then says "from now on you will have a schedule and your going to call me mam and my husband sir got it" i nod my head out of fear and she scowls at me and says "speak you idiot" then drags me down to the basement and beat me till i was numb and then she left and once she left i blackout.

When i wake up i feel all the blood and pain so i try to crawl up the stairs ut i struggle. Once i got up the stair from the basement then i head up to the second floor still struggling to get up the stairs again and once i did i headed for the bathroom but instead my uncle grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to my room once in there he start's to try and take off my shirt but i fight him with all the strength i currently have and because of that he slaps me and says "if you fight back it will be worse" i didn't fight back anymore cause i didn't have enough strength so he started touching me and i blacked out i don't know how long he did stuff but i felt him leave and heard the door shut a few minutes after he left i came to and i took the remaining strength i had and headed to the bathroom connected to my room 

(A/N: he didn't plan on going to this one because it was further away than the one in the hall also just a reminder he's only three but will be four in three month's and i will add a layout picture of the house when i have one)

once in there i got in the shower and washed away the blood and white stuff on me. While i'm in the shower i notice a sharp piece of metal on the countertop so i grab and accidentally cut my finger on the blade and i notice it helped me feel better so i started cutting my wrist two cuts on my left wrist then i got out of the shower and changed and went to bed.

In the morning

I wake up to the sound of my aunt yelling at me saying "WAKE UP YOU SON OF A BISTCH YOU HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL NOW GETS YOUR ASS OUT OF BED" her words slurred a little so i could tell she was drunk. I get out of bed and head to the car and my uncle drives me there i get out and wave to him and head inside and notice ka-chan in the back and i had written a note to him.

(A/N: he knows how to write cause his mom taught him at an early age) 

I gave ka-chan my note and left to the other side to draw my feelings out. once the day was over i got picked up by my aunt and i wave at her and get in.

katsuki pov

I noticed as Izuku waved at his auntie and got in the car he looked sad and like he didn't want to go with her or something. I just shrugged it off and got in the car with the old hag and we drove home. The old hag didn't say anything the whole way and i knew she was still sad about auntie inko and also worried about Izuku.

Izuku pov

Once we got home and in the house she started yelling saying "I TOLD YOU TO CALL ME MAM NOT FUCKING NOD AT ME YOU BITCH" she kicked me in the gut before heading to the kitchen and yelling "GO TO THE BASEMENT AND DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE MOVE" so i did and once i did both aunt and uncle came down and beat me and once aunt left uncle grabbed my wrist and dragged me up both flights of stairs and took me to my room and started undressing me i tried fighting back but he pinned my hands above my head and said "if you fight it will be worse" but i didn't care i had more strength than yesterday so i fought back anyway and so he punched me on the side and began touching me again he started kissing my neck and moved to my legs and then my crouch i hated it so much but that was only the begining he then undressed and pulled out his pp and shoved it in my butt and i was about to scream in pain when he covered my mouth and said "we wouldn't want you aunt to find out now would we" and he ponded into me and i turned to the side and blacked out this moment till he left satisfied with his 'work' once he left i headed to the bathroom and showered and cut my wrist again but both this time. this happened everyday till i was six.

hey guys survivor here 

this chapter was hard to write especially the rape part for me and how dare they hurt the cute cinnaminroll anyway cliffhanger 

thanks for reading survivor out bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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