Chapter 17 : Return To Zero

Start from the beginning

Vox had been called away by one of his lackeys only a minute or two before Alastor had arrived and that was the only reason he had survived, Vox saw Alastor on the rooftop and then the spell activate. Vox knew Alastor was powerful and had been told many times by Valentino to be careful how far he pushed the Radio Demon but Vox had always sneered on the inside as he always had thought himself superior to the Radio Demon and had blamed events on bad luck, bad timing and similar scapegoats. The moment the Hell Fire spell took place Vox fell onto his ass in fear and trembled as he felt the waves of heat and then it was gone, the flames, the building, the demons, everything was gone and Vox only then realized that he didn't see Alastor anymore. Vox sat perfectly still as an ice cold chill went down his back, Vox glanced left and right and saw nothing so he let out a large sigh as he didn't realize that he'd been holding his breath.

That was the last thing Vox remembered as he opened his eyes and found himself strapped into a medical chair and being held. Alastor stood over Vox with his usual smile seeming odd and somehow more menacing and causing far more discomfort in Vox than the usual smile plastered to Alastor's face. Alastor looked up from the sigils he was slowly carving into the floor and the blood he was filling them with, "You took something of mine. Now I will take what is yours." Alastor said with the radio filter and static filling the air. Alastor finished and handed the container of blood to a shadow as he stood at the head of the sigil and began slowly chanting causing black chains of Eldritch power to lash across Vox's body and they held onto him there before pulling back from where they came. Vox had a gag in his mouth but it did nothing to dampen the screams as these chains somehow bit into his body and felt like they were pulling him inside out while Alastor watched with almost a gleeful look as his eyes glowed red and pulsed in time with the spell, This continued until the chains had pulled back from Vox's body into what can only be described as a ball of Eldritch jell-o. Vox lay there barely able to breathe as his consciousness faded in and out as his whole body twitched.

At the same time that Alastor was visiting the studio. Valentino was pissed and taking out his frustration on some of his 'employees', The idea to get someone in the hotel to fuck with Angel and/or Alastor kept being fucked up because the princess actually believed in the whole idea of redemption and that it was possible to 'save' the Sinners. So she did interviews and talked to these brain dead fools that they had managed to convince to do their bidding, and of course, they were easily discovered by the princess and her moth. Alastor had cost Valentino not only money but also face as everyone now had the idea that Alastor was more powerful than Valentino and as such Valentino's business was seeing numbers slowly drop, Vox had been up to something recently saying that it would help Valentino but Val just dismissed it as yet another vain attempt of Vox's to get more of his attention and this made Valentino thankful Vox had a significant use. Valentino could barely stand Vox's puppy dog like behavior and just thinking of it infuriated Valentino, he grabbed and tossed aside the whore he was toying with and torturing as a call came in telling him 'they had his package and would be there in 20 minutes', Valentino looked over to Velvet and she shook her head no which made them both curious.

Valentino and Velvet went downstairs when the vehicle arrived and the driver got out and announced himself as Vox's right hand, This caused Valentino to raise an eyebrow as the demon opened the trunk. Valentino instantly had a smile as he looked down, "Angelcakes~~~" Valentino hissed as he grabbed and lifted Angel out of the vehicle pausing for a moment and losing his smile the instant he saw that Angel had been fairly badly beaten already, Valentino turned his head and looked at the Sinner, "Vox said to give'em hell and make sure he knew his place." Velvet giggled and laughed as she took out one of her favorite tools to beat Angel with, Velvet wound up getting ready to hit Angel when Valentino grabbed the flogger from her.

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