Chapter 12 : Aquarius!

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7 days left until Goddess Leona and Former Queen Flare come back from the heavens to inform us of their quest. So far, we have each chosen zodiac except for Libra and Aquarius. 'Could say we're making good time, but since Luna, Kayla and the others have been looking for each of us for a while, I decided to relieve the Princess of her duties so the original zodiacs could spend some time inside. How hard could it be to find a person with a golden mark? I would need some help if I were to find Aquarius. Those bloody 'quarius's are known to be trouble. Jay walked to the other side of the wide hallway and knocked on Zoey's door. After a few knocks she finally answered, so Jay walked in and saw Zoey laying on her back on her bed, sharpening her knife.

"Goodness, Zoey what are you doing?" Jay asked, proceeding into the dimly lit room.

"I usually make sure my weapons are sharp. You may never know when the castle may get invaded by the eeviilll Spiceee!" she explained

"I wanted to ask you something." Jay said, running his fingers down a long scratch on the wall.

"What do you want now Jay?" Zoey said, slightly irritated.

"I was thinkin'--We should be the ones to look for that Golden 'Quarius." He said. Zoey rolled her eyes and got up, putting her long knife in her bag already walking towards the door.

"So are you going to help?" Jay asked again, watching her.

"I mean, I'm not letting you go by yourself." Zoey said now outside of her room. Jay rushed to catch up with her closing her door behind him.

"Aw how sweet the little lady cares." Jay said crossing his arms

"I don't." Zoey said coldly. "I just know a Sagittarius like you would never survive on his own so consider me as backup." Jay rushed in front of her, stopping her in her path, getting so close to her to the point where they were just a few hairs apart.

"Now listen here, little missy. I can't take care of myself wherever I go. Just you bloody wait." He said, looking dead into Zoey's eyes. She rolled them once more and smiled.

"We'll see." She replied touching his nose lightly then walking away. "C'mon tough guy." Jay stood there for a moment before proceeding down the stairs with Zoey. Since she got here she was very independent and kept to herself, but Jay couldn't decide if she was flirting with him in her own way or just being her typical self, all in all, he quickly caught up to her. It was fairly early so not even the King was awake yet. Jay and Zoey slipped past the guards and once in the courtyard, they looked in the direction of which they would need to travel, and in the distance you could almost see Gemini Castle. They didn't have pets they could ride, so they would have to make it there and back on foot.

It was late morning when they finally arrived at the beginning of Aquarius River. Jay and Zoey were very tired from their nearly 5-hour walk. Aquarius River was a large chunk of land, since Gemini Castle and City were floating. Most of Aquarius River was Forest-like, with tall trees, thick medium to long grass, with a bunch of smaller animals surging through the territory. A clear, flowing river ran through the middle of the forest, and on the otherside was a little bit more of the Forest. The Forest seemed to run deep, so it was going to be harder to find the person they came for. Jay and Zoey, though tired, entered into the Forest. They could see the river from where they were, Jay pointed it out to Zoey and without hesitation she hurried over to the river. Jay watched as she got on her knees to drink the river water. Jay chuckled and walked over to her. He reached into his bag and pulled out bottled water and bent down next to her.

"If you wanted water you could have asked. It's not the 1800's you know." Jay teased. Zoey looked at him with water in her mouth and spit it out into the river. She snatched the bottle of water out his hand and looked at him with a blank expression.

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