Chapter 1: To Save a Princess!

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I have to do something! Novo thought to himself as he paced throughout his room. He had no idea what his mom was going to do when she heard there were two Earth Nature Kingdom kids in her Kingdom. It was nearly sunset, and he still didn't have a plan to rescue his friends. Then, it hit him! He came up with a plan to save his friends, but he would need help from a friend. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote:

Dear Smokey,

Ok Bruh don't get mad but at our meeting, I was followed by fire troops. Im good obviously but Luna and Kayla are in the dungeon. I have a plan to bust them out so don't get mad. Meet me at the Water borders before moonrise.


He walked over to his pet Falcon, Estrella, and tied it to her leg. "Take this to Smokey." He ordered her. Estrella spread her wings and flew away. Novo looked up at the burning sun, praying to the zodiac goddess that his plan would work. He climbed out of his window and jumped into the bushes. No guards were patrolling the castle yet, so the coast was clear. Making sure this time that he wasn't followed, he proceeded to the Water borders to wait for his friend.

Novo started pacing. It was now one hour since he sent that message to Smokey. Where was he? Was he not coming? Novo looked up at the sunset. Scorpios, always late for some reason. He thought to himself. Then, there was rustling in the bushes. Novo whipped around and his palms were now filled with flames. But alas, it was just Smokey and his dragon Mystic. Novo fizzed out his flames and eased himself. He knew he would come.

"Smokey I-" He was interrupted by Smokey.

"So you mean to tell me," He said with irritation in his voice "You let Luna and Kayla get thrown in your hot ass dungeons?" His red eyes glowed with anger.

"Ok I know you're upset but I have a plan!" Novo said.

"This better be good." Smokey said, crossing his arms.

"It involves fighting and breaking in?" Novo said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Ok... I'm listening." Smokey said with a smirk on his face.

Novo began explaining his rescue plan to Smokey, after a little while, he seemed a little interested and more un-doubtful that this would work. After explaining, Smokey smiled and nodded.

"Alright," he said, getting up and hopping back on his dragon. "I'll help you, but you owe me." Novo nodded and hopped on the back of his dragon.

"Let's go rescue our girls." Novo said. Smokey turned around and gave him a gaze and Novo rolled his eyes.

"Oh hop off nobody wants your chick." Novo said. Smokey turned back around and patted his Mystic's neck, and he opened his wings and took flight, towards the secret entrance that Novo said was in the back of the castle. Mystic flew into a cloud to avoid being seen as the two closely approached the back of the castle.

"Stay in this cloud Mystic, I'll call for you when I need you." Mystic blew out a thick cloud of smoke in response.

"Ready?" Novo said

"Might as well." Smokey replied. Novo closed his eyes, then once opened, they were all white. Lion ears came out of his head and his canine teeth sharpened. His nails sharpened themselves into claws and a Lion's tail tore its way through his gray pants. Then, a golden mark, much like a tattoo appeared on his forehead. It was the mark of Leo.

"Talk about over dramatic much?" Smokey said.

"Just transform." Novo said, rolling his eyes.

Smokey put his hands together, then on his face, a golden mark, much like Novo's appeared on his arm, it was the mark of Scorpio. Then, a scorpion's tail tore through his jeans as his nails sharpened like the poisonous claws of a Scorpion.

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