Bad Hair Days

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My dear lovelies, this is a sensitive issue I'm dealing with, and I would like you all to know about it.

Many people suffer from different mental disorders especially in this generation. So I would like to thrown light on a recent, upcoming issue, especially during our teens.

For all of you who didn't understand what this poem was about; it is speaking about a person suffering from Trichotillomania.

It is an impulse disorder characterized by the compulsive urge to pull out one's hair, leading to noticeable hair loss and balding, distress, and social or functional impairment.

People usually having this disorder tend to try and hide their bald spots so as to prevent judgement against them.

All I can say is that if you know a person who is showing symptoms of this, please do not hesitate to help him or her.

That's all my lovelies :)

See you next time!

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