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(Okay so- I know I said I would do the Monoshin one first- but 👉🏻👈🏻. I couldn't do the angst right now and I just became obsessed with this ship because- have you seen them? Plus they just- I- yes. So uh.. sorry 👉🏻👈🏻 but um, I hope you enjoy! And uh- oh right also- it's my first time writing this ship- or either of the characters actually.. so sorry if it's not very good- I'm gonna try though...! Writing Tamaki hopefully shouldn't be too hard though since he's my highest kin-)
(Oh also uh- have some fanart I found-)

! Writing Tamaki hopefully shouldn't be too hard though since he's my highest kin-)(Oh also uh- have some fanart I found-)

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(😅😊)Trigger warning, some abuse (mainly emotional)

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Trigger warning, some abuse (mainly emotional)

~<[Tamaki's pov]>~
I'd been close to slipping almost all class, but there wasn't really anything I could do about it. I could never tell anyone that I regress... not again.... and I couldn't ask to go to the bathroom or anything. I'd have to stand up in the middle of class and walk out while everyone stares.. not that I don't think people are already staring. But I don't need to give them a reason to stare. Then again.. what's more of a reason to stare then being regressed in the middle of class. Luckily for me I was taken out of my thoughts by the bell, signalling the end of the day. I quietly got up, making sure a few other people had already stood first (am I the only one who does this-?) but also making sure I wasn't the last one up. I headed quietly towards my dorm, managing to shut the door before slipping a bit more. I still thankfully hadn't slipped completely since I needed to get some of my little gear. I quickly put on a light blue onesie with a plain black cat on it, and a pair of white overalls that had a yellow butterfly on it. I went to grab one of my paci's before freezing when I realized where my agere box was. 'What are you doing- you're acting like a dumb little kid' the words I'd heard just a few days earlier crashing over me. 'and I thought it was stupid you were afraid of the dark- no wonder you're afraid of the dark, you really are just a big fucking baby.' The memories rushed through my mind. My older brother saying those awful things that were better even really wrong, before taking my agere box and pushing it into the back corner of my room... underneath my bed. He then shoved me onto the ground and grabbed my favourite stuffie which Mirio had bought me, and ripped its head off. It wasn't great seeing the dark grey kitten stuffie that'd helped me through so much laying headless on the ground, stuffing spread over the floor. My brother smacked me in the face and called me a disappointment before turning off all the lights and slamming the door shut, leaving me a sobbing mess on the ground, scared, hurt, and alone. At this point I'd fully regressed, sobbing at the memories and the fact I didn't have my Paci or colouring books to distract me.

[{Mirio's pov}]

I was walking through the halls when I heard crying I stopped walking and looked around a bit, my eyes widening when I realized it was coming from Tamaki's room. I quickly went over and knocked on the door. There was no reply and the crying became quieter. I knocked again. "Tamaki, it's me.. Mirio, I know you're in there. Please let me in.". Still no reply. After that I just opened the door, extremely worried. My eyes widened when I saw a trembling, crying Tamaki sitting on the ground. I quickly dropped down next to him "what happened?" I asked quickly.

<[third person pov]>

Tamaki didn't reply, still trying his best to get out of little space though it was nearly impossible at this point. Mirio gave him an encouraging look, assuming he was just too nervous to talk like normal. Tamaki just softly shook his head and continued to sob silently. Now Mirio was really worried, he pulled Tamaki into a hug and began to rub circles into his back. Which didn't help Tamaki who was still desperately trying to get out of little space.  His crying and trampling slowed a bit and he decided to just give up on trying to get out of little space. He placed his head on the crook of Mirio's neck and cried softly, now only trembling slightly. Mirio began to gently pet through his hair "what happened kitten?" He asked softly causing Tamaki's cheeks to turn a deep shade of red. The nickname always made him blush, especially when Mirio said it. Tamaki tried his best to sound normal, saying "I-I'm f-fine...! R-really d- m-Miri, p-promise..!" Though his efforts at sounding normal weren't quite enough since he still sounded like a toddler when he said it. Mirio's eyes widened a bit and he gave him a confused look. "are you okay..? Your voice is higher then normal.." he said gently. Tamaki bit his lip and nodded "I-I'm f-fine..." he mumbled softly. Mirio shook his head softly "what happened, you were crying and now your voice is weird.. it seems like you're hiding something from me.." he said. 'I'm hiding a lot more than you think..' Tamaki thought with a soft sigh. "I-I uh..... I-I'm s-sorry... I-I-I'm an a-age r-regressor..." Tamaki mumbled softly, closing his eyes in preparation to be hit. Though instead of being hit, a soft hand caressed his cheek. "That's completely okay!" Mirio said softly, giving him a small smile. He already knew about age regression from some research he'd done, he found it while looking for different things to look out for when saving people. Tamaki shakily opened his eyes "y-you're not g-gonna h-h-hit me...?" He asked softly. Mirio's shook his head quickly "of course not! Why were you crying though..?" He asked softly. Tamaki pointed underneath his bed "b-box with... m-my wittle s-stuff is.. d-down t-t-there..." he mumbled softly, a terrified look on his face. Mirio smiled softly and placed Tamaki onto his bed before looking ou fed the bed. "B-be caweful.." Tamaki mumbled gently, watching him nervously. Mirio soon stood up, handing him a white cardboard box with purpley blue and yellow butterflies aswell as marigolds and lilacs painted on. "This box?" Mirio asked softly. Tamaki smiled and nodded "y-yeah..!" He said bappily "t-tank y-you...". He mumbled softly. Mirio smiled "no problem!" He said happily, glad he could help him. Tamaki opened up the box and quickly grabbed a light blue Paci from the bottom of the box, it had the word kitten written on it and had a yellow butterfly in the middle. He put it in his mouth, happily suckling on it for a second before remembering that Mirio was there and quickly taking it out, blushing deeply "s-sowwy.." he mumbled softly. Mirio giggled softly "you don't have to apologize kitten." He said gently, "do you have a caregiver or something that I should call...?" He asked. Tamaki paused and shook his head "n-not yet... I-I'm waiting to a-ask my cwush.." he mumbled softly. Mirio became a bit sad, not realizing that Tamaki was talking about him but he hid it. "Well how about I be your caregiver until then!" He smiled. Tamaki's eyes widened a bit and he nodded quickly "p-pwease..! I-if you're.. o-okay with it anyways.." he mumbled softly. Mirio smiled "of course kitten!" He said happily.

(So uh.. I'll finish this in the next chapter- this only took me two days though so I'm super proud..! But uh- yeah! There's 1343
Words in this so I'm happy! I hope you huys like it 😊 sorry again for not doing the Monoshin one yet 👉🏻👈🏻 it's just Super angsty and I don't wanna write any super bad angst right now..)

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